Midnight- Chapter 8

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"But I thought fairy godmother are from fairy tales but now I think about it more clearly I think you were someone close to my mum who gave you the title of godmother so if that's right how do you have magic?" Kate's replied trying to explain her reply to the fairy godmother "well my dear I was your mothers very best friend when we were growing up and I had to come to Asgard to learn magic and well this is the result" she replied to her goddaughter's question Kate's raised her eyebrow and asked "how are you here? I mean you just appeared am I loosing the plot I must be so t -tir..." her godmother raised her hand to her mouth and said  "I heard your wish and when you were crying and I came to true and also I finally get to use the magic I have been practicing recently" "oh really do you use your hands to conjure magic or a stick?" Her godmother looked at her like she was loosing the plot " my dear I use this " she tried to grab her wand but she couldn't find it "oh where is that wand I thought I put here in my sleeve? Maybe if I jumped up and down to see if it would come out the other end perhaps it might of gown down my dress" she explained katla asked "wouldn't that break it or wouldn't you hurt yourself doing that?" "Perhaps your right let me think" she prodded her forehead to let Katla know she was thinking "oh that's right I put it away!" She remembered

And she suddenly out of thin air pulled out her silver gold wand and pulled it out "how did?...." Katla stopped herself before she got it out and she finally allowed the fairy tale magic to happen and allowed her godmother do what she had to do because she is the boss. "Now let's see now let's start with a carriage" she instructed" katla looked at her and sat stumbled a little bit and said "A car-carriage?" "Yes dear for you to go to the ball!" She replied looking around for something round "but fairy godmother I can't go to the ball my dress is ripped too pieces." " yes of course you can I will just help once I sort out this damn carriage" she said not really paying attention to watch Katla just said "ah there you are that pumpkin is nice and round and will do the trick .... Now what was the magic words again ? Ahh yes" she cleared her throat and said "Bibbidi bobbi boo" and pointed her wand at the pumpkin and it grew into a marvellous white almost like a wintery white with hints of blue.

Katla gasped out of amazement "oh my goodness it's such a beautiful carriage" "yes I made it especially with your mother's favourite colours hers where white and blue and a hint of the tiniest purple" "oh thank you " katla said tearly "your welcome dear now let's get you to that ball but first we will need horses, footsman and a carriage rider? Have you got any of those here?" Katla shook her head vigorously " no I only have the animals here all the other servants and maids where fired from step mother sorry " "ok then those will have to do" "pardon?" 'Yes oh I found them" she found the mice and pointed the wand and they then became the most beautiful white horses and they look like they came from the royal palace "oh and the goose he can be the person who controls the horses dear?" She pointed the wand again and the geese became a horse carriage rider  then she pointed at the dog and he became the foots man and then everyone was ready party from Katla

'Now dear for you let's make you into a beautiful princess" then she looked at her dress and her mouth opened in shock and said "goodness child what have those creatures done to you?" 'Don't worry dear I will clear it right away" "oh please this was my mother's and I wanted to wear it to make her feel like she is with me and it would feel like I am actually there with her so please don't change the design" "ok dear perhaps a spot of blue? Would she mind maybe just a tad bit of newest to it ?" "No please go ahead" "ok dear when the magic starts to come around you make sure to turn with it ok it won't hurt you I promise" "ok I'm ready" "bibbi bobbi boo!" Fairy dust flow from her wand over to kat and it flew around her and she started to spin and when she did it turned into the most gorgeous gowns and when she finished fair godmother made the last pieces of magic into butterflies which where her and her parents favourite insects especially the blue and white ones. "Oh I almost forgot, whoops" "here try these on for size" "oh my they are made out of glass?" "Oh they are beautiful she would of loved this I hoped" "she would now off you go now you shall go to the ball" she smiled and hurried her along to the carriage " oh I almost forgot midnight that's when everything goes back to normal ok pls don't forget at the last stroke of midnight everything will be back to as it was and you will need to be out of the castle gates until that last chime ok" "yes thank you so much if you see mother please say hello" "I will dear good luck and if you ever need anything you know where to call me" "THANK YOU " she shouted and waved goodbye.

Inspiration videos

Cinderella 1950 part 1 fairy godmother :

Cinderella fairy godmother part 2 :

Cinderella 2015 version :

1030: words: short chapter this one but I hope you like it this is where katla meets her mothers friend aka fairy godmother
Katla's original mother made her godmother katlas real life fairy godmother I hope you enjoy this chapter new one coming soon.

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