Magical of dreams - Chapter 9

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Katla arrived to the ball and made her way to the ballroom and the doorman open the doors and she walked slowly up to the rails and walked down the stairs and then she walked to the people on the floor and she curtsied.

Prince Loki looked up between her sisters and saw her in her beautiful dress and he was in awe of her and so without talking to the sisters he walked towards her when he arrived he cleared his throat and said "um excuse me but I was was wondering if you would like a dance with me?"  Katla looked up and said "I would be delighted thank you my lord" Loki took her hand and walked her to the dance floor and danced the first waltz.

And it was magical it didn't feel real but Loki held her close and twirled her round moved her gracefully across the floor and when everyone joined in on the floor, the step mother was curious of who this mystery person was so she forced her girls on the dance floor with 2 of the warriors hogan and fandral and she told the girls to try and get near the couple (Loki and Katla).

After a few dances later Loki whispered "follow me" into her ear and he held his hand open for Kat to take and she took it and he led her to the gardens of her castle. by the time the reached the garden as they were many steps Kat broke the silence and said " won't they miss you back in there?" Loki turned to look at her and smiled "no nobody doesn't notice that I'm around, I'm sure that you would understand that Katla?" he turned to look her straight on.

"well yes but your the prince ha-hang on did you just say my name?" she gasps and hit him gentle on the arm "yes i knew it was you from the moment you walked in and plus i am the god of lies so i knew you were lying" she smiled and nodded and said "oh sorry this was the only way i can spend time with my mum and dad's friends without my step mother seeing me, which I'm very surprised about considering she watches my every move and she even has some of the guards of our palace follow me 24/7" she stopped and said "sorry I'm rambling aren't i" kat smiled sadly and looked down.

"no not at all actually as it so happens i love people who talk honestly so thank you, your sisters talk for ages but they speak lies and i think they forgotten my title actually" Kat looked at him and replied "they only talk about themselves to make everyone have their attention on them" he hummed in agreement they walked in comfortable silence until Loki looked her and said "we have arrived Kat plase close your eyes?" she simply replied "okay" and closed her eyes Loki took her hand she jumped a little bit as she wasn't suspecting anything "its ok I'm going to lead you through to were the secret" "okay pls don't walk me into anything" he replied with a chuckle and said "is don't worry i wont walk you into anything"  she nodded and allowed him to walk through the passage way.

luckily  loki didn't walk her into anything when they were in the secret place she stodd she has he let go of her hand and she said "can i open them?" loki to a hold of her shoulders and whispered "yes you can open them" she opened them and she saw the most simplest swing and it had lots of flowers around the edge and she gasps "oh loki this is gorgous!" loki smiled and took her hand and led her to the swing and said please have a go on this?" kat looked at him in surprise then looked at the swing and said "oh i couldn't" "you should" loki replied quickly "i shouldn't" "you should" "i shall" kat sat on the swing and loki gently pushed her and she got in the swing of it it was quite diffuclt swinging on the swinging in a big gown like this. she laughed and her show suddenly fell off and she stopped and tried to get up but Loki beaten her too it and said "here let me help you" he picked up the show and looked up at her and said "it's made of glass?" Kat nodded and he pulled the swing slightly towards him and slid the shoe onto to her foot and said "it's a perfect fit!."

he slow stood up and he put a hand on Kat's face and said "you were exquisit tonight" he put his hand on her cheek and lead in to kiss her on the lips and then suddenly a loud chime flooded through the gardens and kat pulled away and said "oh gosh it's late i should be going!" "but why the night has just begun?" "no time to explain im sorry to cut this short but i have to leave! thank you for your generosity and you have a kind heart and thnk you for the most wondeful night and it just feels like a dream and just thank you!". she said through the little window of the secret room in the garden and then she said "goodbye!" Loki looked at her puzzles and a bit sad he nodded and whispered "goodbye"and ran back to her castle made her way back up the garden and to the steps and went sprinting down the garden path and ran as far as she rode one of the horses (mice) as the pumpkin has already shrunk to the orignal old pumpkin and she rode as fast as she could and when she was close to her tower her horse shrunk back into mice and she gotten flown off when they were being transformed back into the mouses  orignal form and she took of her only glass shoe and held it tightly to her chest and she sprinted as far  could to her little castle that was just one simple plain tower and  the staircase was very long it had stairs that felt like it went on forever! She got to the top and her dress went into her previous wrapped up rags and she walked safely in side shut the door and the she put her hand on her heart and took breaths to calm her heart rate from running away.

She took of her rags and put on her pjs which was a night gown and she pulled back the blankets and got into her bed which was a still in its shape but the wood has been broken when it got brought up to the attic in the tower which was separated from the castle. She then went into the magical of dreams and dreamt of the time with Loki and her time with him at the ball dancing and swinging on the sing and the almost kiss that happened before the annoying last chime of the castle clock. And dream it over and over again before morning came.

1230 words : I hope you enjoyed this chapter the new chapter -chapter ten it will be uploaded probably later on or tomorrow morning at some point during the day hope you have a lovely day and thank you for the love and support on my book.

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