Ch 7 - Stark Camp

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A few days ago

Jaime was true to his word that we left Kings Landing with Tyrion but he ended up having to help lead their fathers army against my brother. So Winterfell and my soon to be new home Casterly Rock were out of the question for a while. Sitting in one of the main Lannister tents Tyrion sat down in a chair beside me. Wearing one of Jaime's tunics with a pair of black trousers and brown boots I left my hair in a braid going down my back. "So you think you can teach me Valyrian . I understand if you can't since you said you were rusty?" I asked laying the dragon book on the table.

"Yes my dear girl we will start simple. Pay close attention." He pointed his index finger at me clearing his throat before he spoke the language. "Issa brōzi iksos Tyrion Lannister (My name is Tyrion Lannister)."

"Issa brōzi iksos Cadence Stark  - Issa brōzi iksos Cadence Lannister." I fumble my words saying the wrong name at first but he pats me on the shoulder proud.

"Good, good. Now how about this...Nyke enjoy averilla se istan āzma nykeā stark hen ropatasōnar." He replied saying I enjoyed wine and was born at Winterfell.

I repeated it back to him, still trying to get my tongue around saying the foreign language. "Nyke enjoy averilla se istan āzma nykeā stark hen ropatasōnar."

Footsteps approached from outside the tent where we both turned our heads seeing Jaime enter wearing full on war armor. His eyes shifted from his brother to me. "So you've got her occupied with books while we fight on the battlefield, brother."

"Jaime nyke surprised naejot ūndegon ao." (Jaime, I'm surprised to see you) I quickly spoke out, actually happy to see him considering since we got here he has been so busy.

Jaime raised a brow eyeing his brother not having a clue. "What did she say. You know I could never sit long enough to learn that stuff."

"Valyrian dear brother. She's surprisingly a fast learner because I hadn't even taught her that yet." He raised his wine glass clinking it with mine before he took a long drink sitting it down on the table.

Holding the cup in my hands I heard the tiny cry from the dragon that I was given the night of our wedding. I felt a little guilty leaving my sisters and father back in that city. But I had faith in my brother that he would save them. Even if that meant fighting the family I now married into. I will always be a Stark. "Come here little Joanna." I opened my arms grinning when she flew into my lap easily.

"Joanna hmm?" Tyrion asked, sniffling some tears.

Tiling my head to the side I saw my husband was struggling not to cry too for some reason. "What did I say wrong. Is this dragon actually not a girl. I'm not sure how you tell. What am I missing?"

"No little's not that." Jaime shook his head staring down at his younger brother. "It's...that's our mother's name."

Running my fingers over the golden dragon scales feeling her curl up into my lap. Her head was lying against my stomach. Lifting my head up I didn't realize that I had chosen their mothers name. From the stories of House Lannister Lady Joanna was actually the cousin of Tywin when they wed according to the tales my mother told us when we were grown. She had died giving birth to Tyrion. "Oh I'm sorry. I can change the name if it's too emotional for you both. I didn't wish to upset either of you."

"Nonsense, Cadence. I think our mother would be proud to have her name be used for the last living dragon." Tyrion replied, running his fingers over the sleeping dragon until a guard entered the tent pausing our conversation.

A Lannister guard bowed his head to the two lion brothers. "Forgive me my lords, my lady. But the army is ready."

Getting to my feet the sleeping dragon jumped up onto the table while I declared to my husband thinking that I wasn't going to just sit back and watch him do the fighting. I may not have much experience with a sword but I know more than my sister Sansa does. "I'm coming with you, Jaime."

✅️Fire OF A StarkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ