Ch 33 The North Remembers

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Joanna flapped her large wings with me riding onto her back. My hair was completely loose except for a few strands clipped back with a golden hair clip that used to belong to Jaime's mother. The wind blows through my hair soaring over the north grounds. Today Sansa and Jon were calling the Wildings Vale and the Northern houses. Since the North men didn't come to our call we wanted to know why. Looking down at the snowfall ground below I tugged her reins sending my dragon to land in the open courtyard seeing Jaime was waiting for me to come back. He had his arms tightly wrapped around himself trying to keep warm. Dismounting my dragon she sent him a low noise when I walked up. "Are you adjusting any better to this climate, Jaime?"

"I would like to say yes. But unfortunately no...the North still hates me." He shivered, gripping his black fur cloak tightly around him. There was fallen snow sticking in his short cut blonde hair and his beard was growing thicker that I was still getting used to.

Resting my hands on his chest tugging him inside the horse stables so the wind wasn't as harsh on him. Even though I had moved from the South so suddenly then we went back to the North. I was still used to the climate and how the weather worked. "Well I am sorry about that. I will say thought that I am grateful that you chose me and Rhaenyra over your sister. I know how much you loved her."

"I did until I met you. Now I can't see my life without you and our daughter." He explained leaning down, kissing me softly. Moving my hands up onto his shoulders I leaned up on my toes until he bent down since I was shorter. "Sansa is watching Rhae before the lords arrive do maybe we should do something with our time alone together hmm."

I smirked knowing where he was going with this. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the kiss we had moments ago. "Oh is that right, Lion."

"It is my little dragon." He hummed tugging me closer to his chest kissing me passionately. His left hand moved up into my hair twisting my locks between his fingers, getting me to moan into the kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck once more I leaned closer not hearing footsteps approaching.

"Cadence. Jaime, the lords are here. And I need to speak with my sister for a moment alone." Jon's voice caused us to break apart seeing him avoiding to meet our gaze and instead looking at his snow covered boots.

Breaking away from my husband I cleared my throat walking up to my brother. "Uh sure. We can talk Jon."

"I'll go check on Rhae." Jaime nodded his head leaving towards one of the castle entrances leaving us alone to talk. Jon and I headed into one of the empty hallways of the castle.

Running my hands over my tunic I slumped my shoulders looking in my brother's eyes that were black. Some of his hair was falling out of his bun. "So I got to thinking about what the lords might say about not fighting alongside us. And you mentioned to Sansa in one of your letters that you have the crown of a past dragon queen."

"Yes I do. But I don't understand what that has to do with this conversation Jon." I point out shrugging my shoulders at my brother.

Jon gestures with his hands making his sword sway when he takes a step closer. "Years ago the realm loved the Targaryens. You are the last known living one. They will back you without question and we will need everyone when the army of the dead comes for us all."

"I'm sorry did you just say army of the dead. Jon, what are you talking about and how do you think me telling who I am will accomplish anything?" I questioned thinking that he was starting to lose it. I didn't know the things that he saw when he was at the wall but even I had limits to the things I would believe.

He gently grabbed my shoulders making me finally look him in the eye deeply. "I saw an entire army. The white walkers are real, Cadence. I know it sounds crazy but they are. And they don't tire. They can only be killed in two ways. They will come for us now that the wall has been destroyed."

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