Chapter #1-42 Chances to Die

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I'm following a swinging brown braid through the woods, our woods. I'm tracking her, following her footsteps.

I step on a twig and it cracks, the snap echoing through the forest. The owner of the hypnotizing, swaying brown braid turns around. I open my arms, about to envelope Katniss in my arms but suddenly her face twists grotesquely and I am left staring into the shrieking features of Effie Trinket.

"42!" she yells triumphantly. "42 entries. Gale Hawthorn, welcome to the 74th Hunger Games!"

I bolt upright from my bed, sweat pouring off me. My mother looks up from her washing board. Even with me hunting, she often works through the night.

"42?" she says.

I nod. A sad smile causes the wrinkles in her face to be distorted by shadow and light.

"Well, Katniss is waiting. Hunt a bit before she arrives."

I grab my game bag and head to the door.

"Oh, and Gale, you'll make a great couple someday."

"What!" I sputter, my face coloring. "She's never getting married, she doesn't want that."

"Ah, but you do. I know these things. I know the signs. It was the same with you're father and me, he was popular with the ladies too."

I look at her, trying not to look guilty while trying not to laugh as I head into the light of the early morning.

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