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Seconds before the militants came out to announce the change of the beach's leader and rankings, you cracked your neck, making eye contact with Chishiya, who was hiding behind a pillar on the wall, signaling the start of the operation to steal the cards. 

Although your goal to achieve the top position in the Beach had failed, Chishiya commended your efforts, saying, "Don't be pressed, Yuki. You did well, and, 3rd is enough for me. At this point, you're close enough to Aguni, who's quite biased towards you, and Niragi obviously would do anything for you." 

You forced out a smile at that point, although not satisfied with not being first. However, you had enough power and influence, with a pinch of your charisma, that made you so popular among the people of the beach. 

As a result of that, your plan was set in motion.

Chishiya spoke to Arisu through the walkie-talkie, telling him that the path to Hatter's, no, Aguni's royal suite was clear.

"Alright, all militants and executives are here at the annex. Now's your chance. Don't waste it. We're not going to get another chance like this. I'm counting on you, Arisu."

Arisu reached the safe, and Chishiya told him, "The password is 8-0-2-2. If you're wondering how I can be so sure about this, it's because when Aguni opened the black envelope, he had a look of confusion on his face. The envelope must be empty, if you ask me. Then, he found out that the password was on his ring when he sealed it. BOSS. 8-0-2-2."

"Chishiya, I really wouldn't want to be your enemy," Arisu was impressed by his wits.

"Many people have told me that," the shrewd man responded. 

You could hear the beeping of the buttons Arisu was pushing on the fake safe. Honestly, he was too gullible, and kind. He could easily trust a cunning man who had a crazy idea to put him in the frontlines. 

If he knew exactly how to get the cards without anybody noticing it, then why did he not carry out the theft by himself? Arisu also was too blinded by Chishiya's words to find out that a safe placed at such a noticeable location was a telltale sign of it being a fake safe, just in case of thieves like him. 

"Arisu, just use your brain for once! Throughout all of these games, you have been coming up with amazing ideas to solve it, but this time Chishiya has you fooled, just like a fly to a trap, you are about to be punished and killed by the militants, and it will partially be my fault, Arisu. I don't care about the cards right now, just stop whatever you're doing and get the hell out of there this instant!" You so wanted to tell him for an eternity that he had spent on this burglary.

"Arisu!" You whispered, having accidentally pushed the button to talk to him. You covered your mouth with your palm, widening your eyes. You noticed Aguni turn his head to you suspiciously and walked over to you.

In a state of panic, you dropped the walkie-talkie onto the floor and you shifted your left foot to the side in a desperate attempt to cover it from him. "Is everything okay, Kayami? I heard you say something. Is there anything I need to know?" He questioned. 

Holding a straight face, you shook your head, not wanting him to hear your shaky voice. There was a bile in your throat, and you had not the least idea what to say to him to convince him that you were not stealing the cards then. 

"N-no, I'm fine. I'm just queasy about this new ranking system, because now that we're the higher-ups, there's a bigger target on our backs now." You replied, trying to find the words to say to him. He furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms. 

Shit! I said too much! He's definitely going to suspect me! You had sweat on your forehead. "Nobody say anything through the walkie-talkie right now!" You pleaded to God. 

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