(Citizen arc) Chapter 50-reborn

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You felt yourself being shaken awake by someone, or something. Immediately, your eyes widened and you shot up from your vulnerable position, pointing your machine gun at Chishiya who had waken you up. Before you could point the trigger, you recognized Chishiya, who was putting both of his hands up, slowly putting your gun down. 

"Shuntaro, you scared me," you scratched your nape awkwardly, having almost shot your closest ally. He replied, "You've been sleeping for quite a while. It turns out, the people here are all survivors of the borderlands who have chosen to have permanent residency here."

You sat down atop of your red Ferrari, looking at the people who were gathered around the both of you in a semi-circle. There were eleven people besides the two of you, Yaba and Banda. You saw Banda take his hand out of his pocket to wave at you. "I least expected you to stay here, especially after what's happened. Thought you would prefer to reset your memory," he greeted you.

You shrugged your shoulders, indicating that you had nothing left. Lots of your friends had passed away in the borderlands, but for some reason you were not going to forget all of that and live in fear. Instead, you were going to face it, accept it, tear yourself down and build yourself all over again as a completely different person. Ayaka, Akira, Tatta, Tsuyuri, Karube, and the previous citizens who had built sort of a mutual relationship with you, their deaths were not going to be in vain. 

You were back, reborn as a new person, who was going to make the borderlands inescapable. You were going to make the people suffer a hell of a lot with you. If you were going to die, you were going to incur hate, torture everybody in your path, and be the one who hurts instead of the hurt and hold your head up high as you descended into the gates of hell.

(I have written two previous drafts, but they were VERY boring, and cliche. Instead, I'm going to make them all over again and go crazy this time. Isn't that what the borderlands is about?)

"Hello, fellow citizens who have accepted permanent residency in the borderlands. Having passed all games, you are now the game masters who will create your own face card games based on your specialty. As you are residents, you are immune to the visa rule in here. There will be a few people selected as dealers, who will pose as players. Dealers are not immune to the visa rule, and will have to play games as per normal. However, their goal is to sabotage players and defeat them. If players clear all 40 games, the dealers die, else the players die and the dealers will advance to play your games." The robotic female's voice ricocheted off the concrete floors.

You absolutely loved the new rules given to you. Instead of living in fear and completing the games one by one without a clue when it was all going to end, or if it was going to end at all, you were the manipulator whose job was to kill others and beat others at your own designed game. There were murmurs heard about the information that had just been given to you.

"Now, we will introduce the game masters and their respective face card. First of, will be spades.

Jack of Spades: Shigeru Mahiru." You looked towards a man who reminded you of Niraigi. A psychotic, serial-killing man. He had a rifle that was slung against his shoulder. He had an eyepatch covering one of his eyes, which supposedly was injured or blinded during a game. "Huh? Why am I not the king?" 

"That's because I obviously am, you scum." A man from behind you replied. You whipped your head behind, spotting a man in a tight black shirt and some army combat pants. He had a small waist, in contrast to his round muscles. You had to admit that he was somewhat handsome, with his fierce eyes, coal black hair and inhuman body build. He made eye contact with you, before winking his eye, slightly smiling at the sight of a girl whose strength and combat skills was comparable to his.

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