Chapter 43-save your tears

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(Shoutout to PaulinaMorales03 for literally giving me so many notifications and being a very loyal reader!)

You used sign-language to tell Akira that you were the murderer for that round. He looked extremely concerned for you. *How the actual fuck are you going to get THOSE people to vote for you? You're fucking screwed!*

*I'll find my ways.* you tried to reassure him. After all, you always had a strategy for games, right? Banda knew you were the murderer who was greedy for votes with such little time left, not having to even ask you. He was an innocent, according to what he had told you.

You quickly rushed towards Akihiko, feeling that Yaba would have guessed that you were the murderer. Hoping to get him to vote you, you acted cool and asked him, "Are you the murderer? Among us, we don't have a murderer. Could you be it this round?"

He used his thumb and his index finger to lift your chin up to meet his face that was 6 inches taller than yours. "Why, I'm the assassin this round, which means that you're lying. I see. You're the murderer! Hungry for votes? Why don't you meet your death, younger sister? You've come so far, but not yet has anybody succeeded in my games!" 

Your eyes widened in absolute fear. Was this the end for you? 

That was like a game of rock, paper, scissors, was it not? If someone chose to vote you, then it meant that they had a chance of dying, and even if the three other men voted for you, Akihiko could easily see through it and vote for you, which would lead to your death. Plus, he was the assassin. Nobody would vote for him. 

After everything you had gone through, could that actually have been the end for you? After coming so far and conquering so many obstacles, your will of fire was on its verge of being smothered. Your flower that represented your life was slowly withering, its petals falling onto the ground like autumn leaves.

After discussing with the other players, none of them seemed to want to vote you. "Sorry, Kayami-san. It seems like this is the end for you. You were truly a good player, saving me and Yaba. But, it's time to say farewell. You might've been strong, but all good things come to an end. I promise to win, and maybe take care of your brother for you, if I feel like it," Banda looked down at you, being just 5'11.

"May all players proceed to their cells for the twelfth voting session to commence."

You walked towards Akira with a solemn smile on your face. You bent down, signaling for him to crawl on your back.

"Well, as long as Akira is alive, I'm willing to sacrifice myself for his sake." You gave Akira his last piggyback, walking back towards your cell.

Once you had reached his cell first, you used hand signs to lie to him, "Don't worry. I got Banda's vote, and hopefully Akihiko would vote for me, so I can kill him. It's a big gamble, but I have to take the risk. Just vote for Yaba or Banda, okay? I've got this!"

He smiled, before giving you a great big hug. Once you decided to let go, you found out that he still tightly held onto you. Quite astonishingly, he even had tears rolling down his cheeks. He brushed your pink locks, before waving you goodbye. That was quite weird of him, but you did not mind in the least. 

You smiled, hoping that Akira could live on for you. Stepping into your cell, you looked up at the ceiling. "Well, I guess this is the past where I die. I've made it this far in the borderlands, but I guess that not everybody gets a chance to live. I'll gladly accept it."

When the voting session ended, you looked at the screen. 

Akira, was your one and only vote. 

You got into a panic, banging on your door and screaming loudly, "NO! PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM! TAKE ME INSTEAD! DON'T YOU DARE COLLECT FROM ME! PLEASE! AKIRA! WHY DID YOU VOTE FOR ME?"

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