Part 4- face card arc:Chapter 23-Surprise entrance

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The wind rustled through your hair, blowing the dirty pieces of litter on the ground against the rough concrete road of the Shibuya Crossing. Once a bustling atmosphere filled with people of all walks of life— shopping mothers, working employees, freelancers and even a homeless Arisu with his part-time bartender Karube and IT worker Chota, the place was now no different from a stranded island in the middle of the ocean.

"None of the games have started yet," Arisu said. He looked around the area surreptitiously.

"Maybe we still have some time to prepare before it does," Usagi assumed.

"Or they forgot to push the big red start button." Chishiya joked teasingly. 

"They didn't even tell us about the rules for this one." Kuina shared.

"Well, we're facing the face card games, so we can't simply assume that they're just going to tell us exactly what to do. For all you know, a demon might come chasing us and all we've got to do is kill him." You leaned against a traffic light pole, scanning the area for anything suspicious.

The air stiffened, and some sounds could be heard from afar, but it was hard to determine what it was. You stood up to face the source of the sound, and found a few cars driving toward you. It was the cars that belonged to the beach. They came to a stop near you, and people came out one by one.

"What are you guys doing here? Completed any games yet?" You were the first to ask.

"No, but there are rumors that the next stage is starting soon, according to the blimps-"


A loud gunshot fired through the air, killing the man that was talking to you. A woman in a yellow jacket stood rooted to the spot, before getting shot down too. More people got shot to the ground, facing their deaths unexpectedly. You reacted quickly, grabbing Akira's arm and running for your life. "The fuck are you standing there for? Run!" You snapped them into the senses.

"That thing's an anti-tank rifle." Chishiya stated.

A man attempted to hide behind a car, only for it to blow up and resulting in his utter death. "Hiding behind a car is useless," he watched people futilely try to cover themselves with the surrounding cars. Could they just have gotten inside and drove off? How foolish.

"Yuki-san, you sure are good at predicting things like a prophet!" Arisu hollered, running behind a thick wall. You could hear that the sound of the gunshots had changed to an assault rifle.

"Guys, wait here!" You instructed, before letting go of Akira's hand and running off by yourself. 

"Yuki!" You heard Kuina call out for you, only to be held back by Chishiya. 

"Stop, or you'll put yourself at risk too. Can't you see she's doing this to save us all?" Chishiya pulled her back.

You hopped onto the cars, jumping from one to another with light legs, distracting the man who was trying to kill you. You grabbed a street sign that had fallen off onto the ground, and used it as a shield to protect you from all the rubble as he continued firing his rifle.

Spinning it around, you whacked away all the other flying objects coming towards you. After all of the spades games that you had completed and physical brawls with other people, including Aguni in which resulted in a draw and a loss, you assumed that there was nobody who could match you for spades games besides Aguni, who was now dead.

However, you were utterly wrong. Turns out, there was someone who could just be the perfect matchup with you for the ultimate battle? Could this possibly be the Jack, or even the King of spades? 

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