Chapter 3

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A few days later.

The police officially announced that Eddie was a suspect. Jason and his goons were going on a witch hunt.

Nancy Wheeler also joined in on the entire situation.

Which was great because you needed another person with a reasonable head on their shoulders.

When Steve, Nancy, Robin, And Eddie were on Lovers Lake, despite not thinking it was possible, things got more intense and complicated. Steve went in and got dragged down, then Nancy went in after him. Then Robin, then you, and finally Eddie.

The Upsidedown was even scarier than you have imagined.

Steve was bloodied and hurt pretty bad.

And Nancy got possessed by Vecna. When you all finally climbed through the portal, landing back in Eddie's trailer, it was time to make a plan. And it needed to be a good one. Because a lot of lives depended on it, and Eddie's freedom depended on it.

It was decided, Vecna needed to die. Everyone had a role. Everyone had an assignment to do. And it had to be done for everything to go as planned.

You, Dustin, and Eddie were in charge of drawing the Demo-bats away from Vecna's house.

Fortifying the trailer with anything and everything. Doing what you could to make it impenetrable.

While Eddie was hammering more metal onto the other side of the trailer, you took this chance to pull Dustin aside.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I want to talk to you about something serious. Okay?"

Dustin gave you an unsure look and nodded his head.

"I need you to listen to me when I say this... Whatever happens, I need you to be safe."

Dustin looked surprised at this and was about to say something, but you interrupted before he could.

"I am serious Dustin. I know we haven't known each other for very long, but whatever happens, you get the hell out of here. Promise me."


"Promise me Dustin."

He sighed. "I promise.."

You pulled Dustin in for a tight hug, he hugged you back.

You leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"My car doors are unlocked, under the passenger seat. You'll know what to do."

You pulled back from the hug.

Dustin looked up at you, confusion written on his face.

"You'll know what to do."

You kissed his forehead, and then went back to fortifying the trailer.

Eddie watched the interaction between you and Dustin from a distance. He couldn't hear what you guys were saying, but he saw how you treated him.

It made him smile, seeing how much you cared for him and the people he cared for.

And then the time had come, to get the plan started.

On the roof with Eddie and Dustin. Eddie played those first few notes.

You always forgot how well Eddie played. And when he played, it made your heart flutter.

Mesmerized by how he played. By listening to him play, you could just see how much he loved it.

Despite what Eddie thought about himself, and what the town thought of him before and after this entire situation, you always knew the real Eddie.

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