Chapter 4

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Dustin and Eddie sat with your lifeless body for a while. Just mourning you.

Eventually, Dustin radioed in. And the rest of the party came. They all but had to pry Eddie from your body.

When they finally got back through the portal, walking outside of Eddie's trailer.

Eddie bursted back into tears when he saw your car sitting outside next to his van.

Dustin went and to console Eddie, when he remembered,

"My car doors are unlocked, under the passenger seat. You'll know what to do."

Dustin ran over to your car, to the passenger side.

He opened the door and reached under the seat. Feeling around, when he felt something.

He pulled it out. It was a large envelope with his name on it. Dustin opened it, pulling out its contents. The first thing he saw was a smaller envelope, once again with his name written on it.

He opened it and began reading to himself.

The party began gathering around Dustin.

"What is it Henderson?" Steve asked.

Dustin's face contorted into confusion.

He finished reading the letter. He shoved it under his arm and looked through the rest of the envelopes. Finding whatever he was looking for. He ripped it open and began reading it, his mouth falling open.
"Henderson?" Eddie said.

"What is it?" Nancy said.

"..... it's a confession." He said while looking up at the group.

"What?" Robin said.

"They.. confessed. To the killings. All of them. It's a goodbye letter, saying she fled Hawkins."

"Let me see that" Eddie snatched the paper from Dustin, reading it over.

"Why would she do this???" Eddie said, while looking down at the paper, rereading it.

"For you." Dustin said.

Eddies eyes shot up,

"She did it to clear your name."

You left letters for everyone, your family, the party, and even Eddie's Uncle. You got the idea from Max.

You thanked them all individually and told them how much you loved them.

Your letter for Eddie, the group thought Eddie would never stop crying.

You wanted Eddie to continue being Eddie. To keep being his authentic self. Unapologetically chaotic.

"Let the world meet the real Eddie Munson. Change lives, just like you did for me. Let the world love you, as much as I do." 

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