41 - forever with you

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6 years later...

Changbin's POV:

I smiled as I laid down next to Felix, hugging him from the side as we tried to slow down our breathing. It was the best way to wake up, honestly. Especially when I have the cutest boy next to me every morning. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, whispering, "You ok?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, pouting as he replied, "This is all your fault."

I chuckled lightly, "How is this my fault?"

He turned his head to me, raising an eyebrow, "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I the one who woke up with a boner in their shorts this morning?"

"Which was your fault..." I said, bringing my hand up to boop his nose, "I was having a dream about you and it's not my fault you're hot. So ultimately, this is your fault."

His eyes softened a little, "Really? It was about me?"

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Yeah, of course it was."

He started to smile, and I didn't know why until he replied, "Awww, Binnie... That's really sweet."

I chuckled a little, "You understand it was a dream of us having sex, right?"

He rolled to his side in order to face me fully, my hand still on his waist, "Yeah, but we've been together for so long and you still think about me like that? I know we're not teenagers anymore."

I guess he's right. When we first got together, we could barely keep our hands off each other. But I feel like that's usually how people are when they're teenagers. At least we've matured a little bit since then, "Baby, what do you mean? You're literally the hottest person on the planet. No lie."

Felix just giggled, leaning forward to give me a little kiss. He quietly said as he pulled away, "Well, I think you're the hottest."

"Hmmm... You're wrong, but it's ok..." I replied, stealing another kiss since he was close enough, "We should get ready for the wedding."

Felix nodded, "Yeah, we definitely need to shower."

I wanted him to be ok, especially after having sex this early in the morning, "I can make us some breakfast after." I said, and then Felix pursed his lips.

"I love you, and I know you're being really sweet right now... But I'll make breakfast."

I took a little breath of relief, "Oh, thank goodness. I always mess up anything I try to cook..." Felix giggled lightly pausing for a moment before I added, "And I love you too."

He rubbed his nose lightly against mine, "You can be my sous-chef, how about that?"

I nodded, "That sounds like a much better plan..." I pulled away from him, rolling off our bed and standing up. When I looked back down at Felix, he already had that little pout on his face. It made me laugh a little, leaning down to pick him up, "C'mon, you big baby."

He wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled, putting one arm under his knees while the other went around his back. He was adorable as I carried him into the bathroom, which was only ten feet from where our bed was. Once I put him down, I reached my hand out to start the water as I said, "You really couldn't have walked over here with me?"

I saw him shake his head, "Nope."

I rolled my eyes, but this is always how we are. Even though we're really different, we work. We have a lot of the same values, so maybe that's how we've stayed together for so long. We've been insanely happy for the last seven years, even through the fights and arguments. Of course, every couple fights. You can't get along all the time unless you're the exact same person. But that's what makes relationships stronger. I wouldn't change anything about our little journey, because it's just made me fall for him more and more.

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