Part 2 - Small World

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I close the door of my apartment and lock it, and then I back up without paying attention to my surroundings. I bump into someone behind me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry"

I look up at the man who I've run into, he's wearing red sunglasses, and fumbles with a cane. Shit, did I just run into a blind man? I'm such an idiot.

"It's alright, you didn't mean to" He adjusts himself as we step back from each other. He offers me a smile.
I think quickly about how to recover from the embarrasment of what just happened. Oh, I should introduce myself.

"Again, I am so sorry for running into you like that. I uh, my name's y/n y/l/n, I just moved in."

I think about offering my hand for him to shake it, but don't think it would be appropriate for me to do so, him being blind and all. So I awkwardly keep my hands held behind my back.

"Matthew Murdock" he holds his hand out for me to shake it. Ok, maybe it would have been appropriate for me to do that. I shake his hand. Wow, that's a firm handshake. Wait, Matthew Murdock?

I look up at him, he seems to sense my surprise. He has a confused look on his face.

"I think I just applied to work for your law firm, like, 10 minutes ago."

He returns my shocked expression.

"Really? The assistant position?"

"Yes, that's the one."

We stand in silence. Oh my god, this is even more embarrassing now. I just ran into my potential boss.

"Wow, small world." He chuckles, I still can't help but feel anxious and embarrassed. Despite having an undergrad degree in marketing and communications, I've never beaten my social anxiety. At least he can't see how nervous I probably look right now.

"Yeah, really small. I hope my clumsiness won't sway your decision when reviewing my application." I try to joke to calm myself down.

"Ah, don't worry, you'd fit right in." He returns my playful tone, making me genuinely smile.

"Good, I'll see you later, Mr. Murdock."

I start to walk off, I do have errands to run after all.

"I look forward to it."

I hear the smile in his voice, and I turn back and see the sweet smile on his face.
So do I.


When I get home after being out for about 2 and a half hours, I put away my groceries, and find a spot for my new pothos plant by my bedroom window.

Then I go to the couch and get back on my laptop. I check my notifications, my face lights up with surprise when I see that my application for Nelson and Murdock has been reviewed. And, I've received an email from them.

It's Matthew, he asks if I'm available for an interview on Monday. Today is Friday, that's soon!

I send him an email back saying yes, I am available on Monday. And also asking if anyone in the office has food allergies.

I sit, staring blankly at the screen for a few minutes, before getting up and grabbing a root beer from the fridge. Before I can even walk back, I hear the ding of a notification on my computer.

That was fast.

I walk back to my computer quickly, I have to set my root beer on the floor because I don't have a coffee table yet. Moving fees are expensive, ok, I had to ditch some stuff in the move.

I frantically check my notifications, he responded.

He says that there's no allergies that he's aware of.

He probably thinks it's an odd question, which I know it totally is. Especially in this situation, but I want to make cookies.
It'd be a good impression, and also I've really wanted to bake recently but haven't been able to because of the move.

I respond: Great, I'll see you on Monday.

I close my laptop and set it down beside me, getting up to change my clothes and get ready to bake.

I change into my favorite worn band-tee. It's a Motley Crue Doctor Feel Good tee that my dad gave to me.
And some comfy black sleep shorts, that are very short. They're from the brand pink, which means, of course, that they say PINK in huge writing on the ass. Yeah, I know, they're silly. But they're really comfy, and when I catch a glance at myself in the mirror I feel hot. Sue me.

I grab my root beer from the floor beside the couch.

I walk back to the kitchen, my fluffy socks making little noises as they brush the floor. I set the root beer and my phone on the counter and start playing some music before I check my notes for the recipe for my mom's famous cinnamon-brown sugar cookies.

I get the ingredients from their respective places and set them on the island in front of me. Then I stand there, trying to think of what I'm missing.

"Oh!" I say to myself, "measuring stuff!"

I scramble around looking for the measuring cup and measuring spoons. I didn't put them in the kitchen yet, I gotta go search the boxes.

I rush over to a box labeled "Kitchen + Woody." This is where I got Woody's food bowls from, can't believe I didn't think to bring out the measuring stuff at the time.

I went back to the kitchen, and started baking, dancing and humming and singing along to the music playing over my speaker that I had connected to my phone.

Little did I know:

Matthew Murdock was sitting in his living room, drinking a beer. He was listening to me across the hall, no one else would have been able to hear me. As he sipped his drink, he smiled.


Monday morning

I spritz on some perfume with notes of vanilla and cinnamon.
I stand in my bedroom, looking at my outfit in the mirror. I'm wearing a long sleeved fitted black shirt. It has darts on the front trailing from the corners of the square neckline to my chest. This makes the shirt more tailored and have a "fancy" edge to it.
I'm also wearing a royal blue fitted skirt that hits just about 3 inches above my knees, with some black tights underneath. And I have on some heeled sleek black boots, with sky blue socks peeking out. Paired with silver jewelry and eclectic rings.

Ok, this looks good. I head to the bathroom to do my makeup, keeping it simple. I put on a lipstick with an cool undertone to go with the blue and faint dark brown eyeshadow, creating a smokey eye.

Leaving the bathroom, I grab my bag, my keys, my coat. I walk over to the couch and pet Woody on the head, scratching his ears.

"Bye bye Woodsie, be good while I'm gone. Wish me luck!"

I put on my coat, then go over to the kitchen, grabbing the gift basket that I put the cookies in.
I leave my apartment, blowing Woody kisses on the way out.

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