Part 4 - First day

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My heels make a soft clacking sound on the floor as I walk over to the office door. I pause in front of it, looking at the black-gray lettering on the fuzzy glass. I take a deep breath, then twist the doorknob and push.

I walk in on a conversation between Karen and Foggy about coffee, apparently she's bad at making it. Noted. The two turn to face me and their bickering stops.
"Goodmorning," I say with an awkward smile as I hover by the door.

"Y/n, hi!" Karen says with a smile, Foggy turns to face me with a look on his face that says I saved him from something. "Goodmorning to you too," he says, the relieved expression not leaving his face.

"Matt here yet?" I ask, looking over to his office curiously. Foggy looks at the door, then back to me.
"No, he should be here soon though. I guess you can head over to his office."
I look down at the bag in my hands that holds my laptop. "Right, ok."

I walk over to Matt's office, and hesitantly open the door. Taking a step into the room, I look around. It's a good sized room, even has windows. But the whole Neslon and Murdock office space seems to be littered with windows, so that's not unusual.
There's not much in here, really just a large desk, with Matt's chair facing away from the windows behind it. A few filing cabinets here and there, and some chairs on the wall with the windows facing out to the office lobby. There is a chair set at the desk, opposite to Matt's. That's probably for me.

I walk over and place my laptop bag on my side of the desk. I take out my laptop and set it down in front of me. Then I walk over to the windows and open the blinds to let in the natural light. The early morning sun streams into the room and casts light on the surface of the large desk, making the finish shine.

"That's better," I mutter to myself. I walk over to the other window and do the same. Just as the sun hits my face, I here a voice behind me.

"Good morning," Matt's pleasant voice becons me to turn to him. I face him where I stand, as he strides into the room. His hands gently brush off the sides of the doorframe as he does.

"Good morning, Matt."

He walks over to his side of the desk, removing his thick jacket and placing it on the back of his chair, his fingers resting over top of it once it's there.

He tilts his head slightly in my direction like he's listening as I walk over to the desk.
"D' you like my office?" Matt asks with a slight smile.

"It's nice, just a bit-"


"No, uh, not dull. Just sparse, could use a little something." I stand leaning forward on my hands where they're placed on the surface of the desk.

"Well it's a good thing you're here then. Wouldn't want our clients being scared away by the lack of 'a little something'." Matt smirks as he says this, and I feel a smile spread across my lips. I tilt my head down and laugh softly as if to hide the smile, even though I know he can't see it.

"Did Karen and Foggy settle their bickering over coffee and make a pot?" I ask, noticing how tired Matt seems.
"Uhm, I don't believe so," he says, tilting his head in the direction of the other room.
"K, I'll make some then."
"That'd be nice, thankyou." Matt sits down in his chair as I leave the room to start the coffee.

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