Crust The Echidna [Updated]

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Name:Crust the Echidna

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Name:Crust the Echidna



Sexuality:Asexual (soon to be Heterosexual)

Crush:Shade the echidna

Personality:Lazy, chill,can get annoyed easily, cheerful, determined, trust issues

Like:Friends, knuckles, watermelon, master emerald, chaos emeralds, sleeping, quite places, chaos,nature, cold drinks

Dislike:enemies, knuckle's stupidity and anger, technology, robots, noisy places, annoying him, disturbing his sleep, master emerald getting stolen


Super strength [but not as strong as knuckles he can only lift heavy stuff like boulders or cars]

Chaos heal [he can manipulate chaos energy and use to heal any injuries but it's limited. he can't over use it or he'll faint or throw up]

Chaos blade [he use it rarely because it can drain his chaos energy faster

Glide [he can glide through the wind but he can't fly he is rarely seen gliding because he always asleep but he keep gliding at night because his most active at night and it's very windy too]

Chaos sense [he can sense chaos energy at living things and even the chaos emerald and master emerald]

Weapons:Metal spike claw [he also use it to climb since his spikes are small]


Super form [he didn't really use it but he can use that form]

Energy Form (this form is similar to knuckle's chaos form, he doesn't use this form because well he doesn't know he have this form, this form came from when he absorbed too much chaos energy when he was a egg, but immediately stop on the half way which he have half power of knuckle's chaos form)


Knuckles The Echidna [Adopted Brother


Super speed
Using innocents as hostages
Sympathy [sometimes]
His fears
Fighting knuckles
Getting tired and exhusted

He gain insomnia because of his messed up sleeping schedule so his sleeps at day time sometimes.

Cold drinks is his favorite especially the macha and ice coffee.

He would get startled in simple touch because his too busy thinking.

He would get distracted easily which he blame himself for getting hurt in the process because of it

Whenever knuckles lose control of his anger crust would come to him and smack him across the head to snap him out of his rage state and go back to what he was doing

He can draw but rarely since he have no motivation to do it

If he get very annoyed he would throw them or punch them in the face unexpectedly

He's always scared when knuckles go to help sonic or leave because he afraid he might never come back and he will be left alone since being the last species is terrifying

Whenever he sees someone fight he would admire them and sometimes sees them as his idols which is why he love watching knuckles or sparring with him

He hates robots and technology. the reasons is because he doesn't understand technology and the reason why he really hate robots because of the accident that tramutazed him knuckles doesn't want to talk about it. it happend when crust was just 2 years old at that time meaning knuckles was 5 when that accident happened


Knuckles found him when his just a egg knuckles was 2 years old at that time he decided to take care of him with the master emerald knowing it will be only him and knuckles left of the species of echidnas.

After a while knuckles manage to raise crust as a big brother they are not ralated through blood but seeing the only last two echidnas alive they see eachothers at one and they both make sure none of them will die.

He always asleep every day because knuckles guard the master emerald at day time while he guard the master emerald at night so he stayed up all night to guard the master emerald and he start to sleep when knuckles wakes up to start guarding.

But if knuckles is with sonic and tails fighting eggman or go adventures with them he stayed in the angel island to protect it and probably didn't even sleep until knuckles came back because he have a feared the master emerald will get stolen if he sleep since it got stolen many times before.

He rarely go outside of the angel island if he does it would be because sonic need more back up or taking a walk to see what's going on but he usually sleep when his out walking.

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