Hakeru The Hedgehog [Updated]

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[So i found this old drawing and it's one of my very old ocs and i somehow still like the oc but i change alot about him so his suppose to be a immortal mysterious knight but i decided he'll be this instead so yea, and no I'm not ganna show the old drawing of him]

[So i found this old drawing and it's one of my very old ocs and i somehow still like the oc but i change alot about him so his suppose to be a immortal mysterious knight but i decided he'll be this instead so yea, and no I'm not ganna show the ol...

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Name:Hakeru The Hedgehog
Sotawi Shikoru (dead name)





Personality: his a chill guy and mature since his a adult his sometimes lazy, he love to protect children and would even play with them, he can be a good listener and can sometimes a therapist he isn't good at advice but he'll try his best, he can be very serious and determined if things got out of hand

Like:free time, relax, sleeping, children, cold drinks, fruits, wood working

Dislike:fighting, bad jokes, disturbing his peace, kids getting injured or scared





Martial arts

Sneak attacks


He doesn't really like using some weapons but if no choice he use katana and sais


His hobby is wood art and he can also make things out of wood.

He sometimes wish himself to go back in time but he knew he can't change the past.

He hide his katana and sais somewhere in his house.

He haven't use his martial arts in a long time but his still master at it.

He never use his invisibility after when his clan got attacked and never use it since then.

He hides his past from anyone and doesn't bring it up or tried to change the subject if someone ask about it.


He was once a assasin by a name of Sotawi shikoru he killed many people and his kinda heartless he is working for his master but suddenly he doesn't remember which clan but a clan attacked their territory killing his comrades and master but he was spared he doesn't know why but they let him live but leaving him with a huge scar on the side of his body (like all might's scar) and his other eye blinded

He manage to run off bleeding but can still run then some farmers sees him and took him in at first he doesn't trust them but he slowly love them as a family soon enough he is thinking about his past as he start to felt guilty for all he have done he decided to change and even fully change himself from a cold hearted assasin to a friendly delivery guy, delivering some vegetables and fruits from his family's farm

Soon he decided to leave to live on his own it was difficult but his family support him so he left to go and live in a different village, the village where vanilla and cream live in. But his afraid because of his past might come back to him.

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