Lin The Cat

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Name:LinLuke (disguise name) Lincoln Snarlor (birth name)

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Luke (disguise name)
Lincoln Snarlor (birth name)






Personality:Lin is well quiye one and would give you a cpld shoulder bisically his like Shadow but chaotic, he doesn't believe is gods or any fantasy stuff and think that emerald or master emeralds are just power gems, he is slight stubborn and can manipulate whoever he want, he would play with his opponents and taunt them until he can finish them off.

Likes:Cleaning his weapon, star gazing, Reading books, Sonic getting hurt, wanting to kill Sonic, Deals, Cocoa

Dislike:anyone who gets in his way, Sonic's companions, not getting what he wants, reminding him his past, Sonic


High Intelligence


Knowing his game
Multiple attacks


A metal staff that can absorb any types of power (Chaos energy or elemental power) and use it as his advantage, it's kinda like the staff from ninjago in the tournament, forgot the name of the villain of that season, but similar to that villian's staff.

He hates Sonic's friends as much as he hates him...well..except for Cocoa.

He have his other life his working as a waiter in a coffee shop with a disguise named "Luke".

His a mercenary and neutral.

Even though his neutural he sometimes help Eggman and without the doctor knowing.

He pretends to be someone else when Cocoa is around and kinda glad his blind and sometimes hangout with him using the name of "Luke"

For all of Sonic's friends Cocoa is the only one he doesn't want to fight with.

He sometimes rivaled with Tails having both intelligent on gadgets and technology, having the battle field on hacking.

Lin known as Lincoln Snarlor lived in a village, the village where Cocoa also live back then.

When Lin was 8 him and Cocoa would play eachother all the time since their parents are friends even from their childhood which brings more bond to both Lin and Cocoa having a brother relationship.

That was until a Eggman robot attacked the Village, Him and Cocoa we're seperated but he was with his family trying to evacuate.

He soon found the blue hedgehog fighting off the bots, at first he admired the hedgehog's determination on beating the bots.

But when his saw his parents in trouble he tried to tell it to the hedgehog...but the blue hedgehog was young and naive so he didn't listen to Lin, Lin desperately tried to tell to the hedgehog that his family is in trouble and need help but Sonic was very desperate on destroying the bots ignoring Lin.

That is until his parents got crushed by a robot that Sonic knock over, Lin is completely destroyed seeing it.

He can't move just stared at the robot that crushed his parents.

One of the houses are collapsing under him and miracle happened when a eggmech accidentally save him from it.

And now his admiration towards the hedgehog vanished in a instant and his view towards the heroes and villains changed.

He can't feel after receiving the truma, a hero suppose to help the innocents right?...but a hero killed instead and the villain saved his life.

He felt anger raising inside of him, he was glad that Cocoa made it but heard that his father also got killed from the attack, but Lin thought that Sonic also killed Cocoa's father aswell which raises his anger more.

After a year he suddenly left the village leaving Cocoa because he doesn't want him to get involve with his plan and never heard of again.

But years later after countering Sonic seeing he have now companions he was ready to destroy them all and have his revenge...but stop when he sees Cocoa with him Lin doesn't want to believe it but he think Sonic manipulate Cocoa on joining him, but frozed when he saw that Cocoa is blind.

Lin's anger towards the hedgehog raises even more thinking his the one who made his best friend blind, so sometimes when his just want to relaxed his mind, he would find Cocoa and hang out with him pretending to be someone named Luke which he just made up, since Cocoa is blind his kinda glad so that he won't recognize him and he can easily disguise his voice.

But one thing for sure, his hatred towards Sonic is raising each time he sees him.

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