Chapter 16

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He brought me toast and an omelet, with a banana and a glass of milk. He sat down on the edge of the bed as I took a tiny bite of the toast.
"So Pete and Joe and I are having a band meeting today. We'll probably talk about that new drummer-Andy, was it?-so you can stay for that. I'm sure they'll be okay with you hanging around. Oh-and Joe is our guitarist, by the way."
"I don't want to be in the way..." I said after taking a sip of milk.
"You won't. I promise. At most, you'd be a distraction to me." He winked.
I put the food on the bed and the milk on the bedside table. "I really don't know if that's a good idea."
"You don't have to be there, if you don't want to, I just would want you there for support."
"Fine. I'll go."
"Eat some more." Patrick said, and I could tell it wasn't a suggestion or up for debate. It was a command, and I was going to finish the food, at least most of it.
He put the plate back on my lap and held the milk for me. I ate slowly, taking a drink of milk in between bites. Patrick caught on to that after three or four bites, frowned, and said, "You shouldn't do that. It's not good. Just eat, okay?" His voice was calming and reassuring. I ate half the banana, most of the toast, and all of the omelet. Patrick acted like I had just won the Nobel Prize or something.
"I'm so proud of you!" He said as he set the dishes down on the table. "I actually am. You did great." He exhaled happily, smiling at me.
"Let me take those dishes in, Pat." I said, starting to stand up.
"I got it." He said, taking them before I could.
"I'm gonna take a shower." I told him. "Hey, wake Jen up for me? Tell her to set out some clothes for me."
"Okay," his reply came from down the hall.
I went to the bathroom and stripped down of my clothes, setting them on the floor. I started the water and showered quickly, hoping I was using Jen's stuff instead of her mom's. It was pretty easy to discern their things from Patrick's (unless he used Cocoa Butter Kiss, which I seriously doubted.).
When I was fully clean, I put on my bra and underwear and wrapped my towel around me. On a shelf next to the sink were hairbrushes and toothbrushes. I took the pink hairbrush marked "JEN" and did my hair normally. I picked my clothes off the floor and, seeing no other clothes from Jen anywhere, opened the door a crack and looked across the hall into Jen's room. The door was open but the light was off, and I dashed in quickly, closing the door behind me.
"Patrick?" I called. "Where are my clothes? Or-Jen's clothes, whatever."
After the whole incident with the razors, I wasn't exactly dying to go through her stuff again. But Jen's door was opening before I could react, and Patrick walked in.
"They're-" his eyes widened in surprise as he saw what I had on, and that included underwear, a bra, and a towel that came down just past my underwear, purely exposing my scars.
"Oh-g-sorry-I'll just..." He stepped out quickly, his face ruby red. He shut the door and called through it. "Just-pick out some clothes for yourself,"
I bit my lip and stifled a laugh, then a cry. I was so freaking insecure about myself, and my boyfriend (?) just saw me almost naked. Well, okay, not totally, but it was still bad for me.
I picked out some of Jen's shorts and wished I could wear Patrick's red sweater, despite it being in the middle of July. I put on the shorts, wrapped the towel around myself, and walked to Patrick's room, determined to wear one his shirts, or at least ask for one. He was making his bed when I walked in.
"Pat?" I said, leaning against his door frame. He looked up immediately.
"Y/N..." He was still red. "I am so sorry. I didn't know you-"
"Can I wear one of your shirts? Jen didn't have any that I liked." The last part was a lie. I just wanted to wear one of his shirts.
"Oh-yeah, um..." He turned to his dresser, opened it, and shuffled around a bit. He eventually pulled out a dark blue shirt and handed it to me.
"Do you mind if I put it on in here?" I asked, at least trying to sound a bit seductive. I probably just sounded awkward.
"Go ahead," he sounded totally unsure. He had to conveniently do something at his desk right then, where his back was to me. I dropped the towel, staring at the back of his head as I put on his shirt.
"Okay." I said, adjusting the shirt. It was huge on me, the sleeves too long for my arms and incredibly baggy.
"I love it when you wear my clothes," All his awkwardness seemed to have faded away as he walked closer to me. "That looks good on you."
"Thanks." Okay, maybe we would go further today. But I had one question. "Where is your mom? And Jen?"
"Oh, mom's out grocery shopping, then she's going to visit her sister. And Jen...who knows? Probably at her boyfriend's," He kept walking closer to me.
"Why..." My mind strayed. I forced myself to focus on my words. "Why don't you ever go to your aunt's?"
"I was never good with kids. And now my aunt only wants to see like four people, and that doesn't include me."
We were only about two feet away from each other now.
"Does that bother you?" I asked. He shook his head.
"No. I'm not that good with comforting people."
"Well, I beg to differ."
It was my turn to step towards him.
"So it's just us," he said, putting a hand on my waist.
"In your bedroom." I said.
"Sounds good to me," he replied, smiling slightly and closing his eyes.
He pushed his lips to mine, pushing me back against the small space of wall between the door frame and his bed. I couldn't help but smile against his lips as he kissed me hard, tugging gently on my bottom lip.
I melted into him and let him wrap his arms around my waist, feeling incredibly...happy. I felt young and free and happy and like nothing bad could ever happen. This feeling was more than euphoric. I couldn't do anything else to feel this.
It was love--I knew that much was true.
One of his hands slid down to my thighs, pulling my leg up to his hip. His other hand did the same, and he pulled me up, me still against the wall. He turned and walked to the bed, setting me down gently.
I leaned back so I was laying down, him on top of me, us still kissing. His hands slid down my arms and his fingers intertwined with mine. He pulled my hands up above my head and pulled himself onto the bed, a leg on either side of me.
I started to feel hesitant, and I stopped kissing back for just a half second. When his hands went down to my hips and started to pull my shirt up, I kissed back, figuring that if I was going to be a good girlfriend, I should at least give him what he wanted.
He pulled my shirt off over my head and my heartbeat sped up, not because I was turned on or excited, but because, well, I'd never done it before. I wanted to please him, and I wasn't sure if I could do that.
He pulled back for a moment.
"Are you okay with this?" He asked quietly, panting slightly.
I nodded. "Yeah," I said after a second, trying to sound confident and not totally hesitant and nervous as I actually was.
"You sure?"
I took a big breath, smiled, and nodded.
"Let's do this."

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