Chapter 17

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His hands were warm on my stomach and sides as he kissed me harder and more passionately. I pulled back for a second and bit my lip, feeling more and more reluctant by the second.
I'm giving him what he wants, I reminded myself. That's what justified it, in my mind.
He kissed me again, slower this time, slowly working his way down to my neck, my collarbone, and...lower.
By then I was feeling full-blown uncomfortable. I didn't like this. This wasn't like kissing him. Yeah-I wanted to get close to him, but not like this. Wow, I was confused.
I didn't want to stop him. I wanted him to get what he wanted. But I didn't want this.
I just lay there, until finally, when he started to take my shorts off and I started having trouble breathing. I tried to breathe in though my nose and out through my mouth, but I couldn't get the air.
Please-let me breathe-I need air-PLEASE.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Patrick stood up. "Sit up. I tried, but to no avail, so Patrick helped me up. "What's wrong?"
I shook my head, finally regaining my control on my air supply.
"I'm fine," my voice was slightly hoarse. "I was just having trouble breathing." I quickly remembered that I had no shirt on, and grabbed the shirt and put it on.
"Why? Are you okay now?"
"I think-well, that..."
"You're a virgin, aren't you?" He asked.
I bit my lip and looked away, annoyed, embarrassed, and slightly angry.
"You know, I am too."
I looked back at him.
"You-really?" I said in surprise.
"Well-yeah, I am. And really, if you're not ready, then I don't want to push you into it. I just thought you were okay with it now, and I'm not upset that you're not."
I smiled at him sadly in disbelief.
"Really." He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Patrick."
Right on cue, his phone rang. He picked it up off the bedside table and answered it.
"Hey, Pete-oh, no. What time is it? Crap. I am so sorry. I sort of...lost track of time." He winked at me. "I'll be there in like...ten minutes? Also, is it okay if Y/N comes? Okay. See you soon."
"You coming to the band practice? I totally forgot that we had to be there early."
"Yeah, I'll come," I replied, smiling. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time and saw I had a missed call and a text from my mom. Uh oh. Luckily they weren't that old, just send two hours before.
The text read: Need help with the basement-come home by noon.
It was 11:45.
"Patrick, I'm sorry, I really want to go, but I have to go home. We're redoing our basement and I have to be home in fifteen minutes."
"Okay. I'll come over later, after band practice, if that's okay."
I smiled.
"I'd like that. What time?"
"Um...I'm not sure, around three, maybe?"
I nodded in agreement.
"I'll see you then," I said and hugged him, smiling as my cheek was pressed to his chest.
He walked me outside and waved as I walked home.
I worked on the basement with my parents, barely being able to focus on the actual work because I was thinking about Patrick and kept checking the clock, waiting nervously until three.
After what seemed like ten years, the doorbell finally rang.
"It's for me," I said, and practically ran upstairs to the front door. I was sweaty and gross and my hair was probably tangled and weird. But Patrick still smiled when I opened the door, and his smile was as bright as the sun.
"WE GOT A GIG!" He yelled.
"Patrick!" I laughed. "That's great!" He picked me up and pulled me outside, spinning me around.
"It's tomorrow night," he said, setting me down. "At the coffee shop in Jamestown," Jamestown was a small town about fifteen minutes away from where we lived, like an old village, full with an inn and an old-fashioned park. I loved going there, and it was a great tourist attraction, and the idea that Patrick and his band would be playing at the coffee shop was amazing. It would gain the band so much attention, and if the right people were there, they could even get signed.
"And we accepted Andy as our drummer!"
"That's so exciting! Agh, i'm so happy for you!"
Patrick bit his lip, smiled, and said, "You'll come, right?"
"Of course I will!" I hugged him again.
"I can take you. We have to be there at four-thirty to set up. We'll probably be back around nine. Also...will you duet with me on Just One Yesterday?"
The blood ran from my face and I took a step back.
"I don't think that's a good idea..."
"But Y/N! You're a great singer. We need you."
I shook my head.
"I can't. I can't perform in front of people I don't know."
Patrick stared at me, pursing his lips. Finally he said, "We can find someone else. I'll pick you up about four."
"I'm sorry." I said, looking down, now sad that I'd let him down.
"It's fine. Really. We can ask Pete's sister or...even Jen." We both laughed because Jen was, in the nicest term, not the best singer in the world.
"Who's at the door?" I heard my mom say behind me. I turned to her.
"Oh, mom...this is Patrick. Patrick, this is my mom."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N." He said, sticking out his hand for a handshake. Mom shook it, her mouth slightly open.
"Well, I should probably go..." I said, pointing towards the house."
"Okay," Patrick replied. "See you tomorrow." I smiled as he walked back to his house.

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