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"bogumie, stop!", taehyung giggles, as it's friday and he's sitting with his boyfriend in the school cafeteria.

jeongguk, taehyung's best friend, is sitting at a table with their other friends not far away from the couple, seeing and hearing almost everything.

taehyung loves his friends but they don't like bogum, that's why they don't spend time all together.

whenever taehyung gets heartbroken because of something bogum does, he tells his friends about it. they hate when he makes up with bogum again after crying his eyes out in front of them, but they love their tae too much to not be there for him every time he needs them. even though sometimes it feels like all their effort was useless.

taehyung often meets his friends and he also doesn't spend every school break with bogum. he makes sure that he has balance and doesn't neglect his friends for his boyfriend.

but for jeongguk, even 10 minutes taehyung spends with bogum, feel like an eternity.

he hates it.

god, he hates it so much.

only 3 days ago taehyung was crying because he got in a massive fight with bogum because bogum flirted with someone over the phone. it's not the first time that something like that happened.

but bogum always manages to manipulate taehyung and make him forgive him. every single time. jeongguk is so sick of it and the jealousy is eating him alive. how often he already had to keep himself from beating the shit out of bogum, he can't count it anymore.

but taehyung told him that he would never forgive him if he did that. the fear of losing taehyung is too big for jeongguk to do that.

but jeongguk is sure that at one point he won't be able to control himself anymore. and bogum better not bring it to that point.

"you're so beautiful.", bogum says, giving taehyung a kiss and making him giggle happily. jeongguk rolls his eyes as he hears that. he tries not to listen to their conversation but his ears would just automatically focus on them.

bogum and jeongguk literally hate each other. because bogum is jealous of jeongguk (he's jealous of all of taehyung's friends but it's the worst with jeongguk) and jeongguk is jealous of bogum and hates the fact how he treats taehyung.

taehyung gets so sad about his boyfriend and best friend not getting along with each other but there's nothing he can do about it.

"do you have any plans for today?", bogum asks taehyung.

"um.. yeah, me and the others are going to jimin's place.", he smiles.

bogum's facial expression immediately changes which doesn't go unnoticed by taehyung.


"is everything okay?", taehyung asks, feeling insecure and scared while doing so.

"yes of course! you're just meeting you friends. again. why would it not be okay?", he asks, but it sounds like he's being very sarcastic, making taehyung look down at his own lap.

taehyung doesn't meet his friends more often than he meets bogum, he spends just as much time with him. but bogum wants to have him all for himself. he wants taehyung to be so obsessed with him that taehyung wants to see him every second of his life.

jeongguk already balled his hands to fists.

"i swear i'm going to fucking punch him, right now.", he mumbles so only his friends can hear.

"don't.", hoseok says. "you know what taehyung said, he doesn't want us to get in fights with bogum."

"i don't give a fuck what taehyung said. this asshole treats him like fucking shit and he's too blind to see.", he whisper-yells and his friends know that he's right.

"let's give taehyung some more time. maybe he will see who bogum really is.", jimin says sadly, really worried for tae but he already tried so often to make taehyung understand who bogum is, but taehyung won't listen. he's convinced that bogum loves him a lot that's why he forgives him all of his mistakes.

"he won't. i'm waiting, but i'm telling you i can't do it for too long. not anymore. it's been months.", jeongguk says, eyes again landing on the couple and it seems like bogum is sweet to the other again after he just guilt tripped him for wanting to hang out with his friends.

that fucking psychopath, jeongguk thinks.

"tae is coming today too, right?", namjoon asks.

"yeah.", yoongi answers.

"that idiot makes taehyung feel bad for hanging out with us.", jin says. "i hope he won't try to stay away from us when the emotional abuse gets too much."

jeongguk's heart aches just at the thought of taehyung not spending time with them anymore just for that idiot.

after a while of looking at them, jeongguk has to smile slightly. just because taehyung looks so unbelievably pretty.

i would be so much better for you tae

so much better

you would never have to cry again

please leave that bastard and be mine

i would die for you

i love you

be mine; kvWhere stories live. Discover now