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taehyung and his friends are sitting in jimin's living room, laughing and having fun.

they even drank a little so some of them are already a little tipsy. taehyung is one of them.

jeongguk is sitting next to him on the sofa, realizing again how hard it is to not kiss the other, telling him how perfect he is and how much he loves him. he can't do that, but the urge is big.

"are you okay?", jeongguk asks and taehyung turns his head to him now, looking at him with big puppy eyes and he nods before smiling again.

they've always been touchy since both of them are just touchy people and they never had a problem with it. so jeongguk wraps an arm around taehyung now, who's giggling because of something that hoseok said.

after half an hour of them staying in that same position, taehyung even resting his head on jeongguk's shoulder, laughing a lot because of the dumb actions of their friends, taehyung gets up.

"i'm hungry.", he says, making his way to the kitchen to eat some of the leftover noodles they had earlier.

jeongguk follows him after a few seconds of thinking and taehyung already being in the kitchen.

"oh hey. you want some too?", taehyung asks as he's putting noodles in a glass bowl to put it in the microwave after that.

"sure.", he answers and taehyung smiles before putting more noodles in it.


"yeah?", he asks as he puts the bowl in the microwave and then he turns around to look at jeongguk.

"are you happy?"

taehyung smiles but also frowns a little for a second.

"of course. i have a boyfriend, i have great friends. why would i not be happy?"

"right.", jeongguk answers.

"are you happy gguk?"

jeongguk didn't expect that question, what he should have, so he's looking at taehyung's face and can't answer as fast as he wants to.


but jeongguk's heart skips a beat when taehyung suddenly comes closer with a smile and starts to hug him tightly.

"you're always gonna be my best friend ggukie."


jeongguk now puts his arms around him too, hugging him tightly. even though taehyung's words hurt him, he enjoys holding him close so much.

it pains him that taehyung doesn't belong to him. it pains him so bad.

well, at least he's planning to always be friends with jeongguk. but jeongguk doesn't know what would be worse. a life without taehyung or a life where he always has to see how much taehyung loves someone else and how much he gets hurt because of it.

deep down jeongguk knows that he could never leave taehyung. never. no matter how much he has to suffer when he stays with him. a world without him would just be pitch black.

jeongguk never tries to lose hope.

maybe one day... taehyung can love him.

sometimes he feels so silly and stupid for having hopes like that but at the end of the day it's all he got.

taehyung pulls back from the hug when the microwave is done, jeongguk cursing the microwave in his mind because he wanted to hold taehyung a little longer.

"tae?", jeongguk says, making taehyung look at him with the warm bowl in his hands.



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