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"taehyung tell me what he said now.", jeongguk says because he can't wait anymore.

they're in jimin's room now, on his bed.

"h-he called me a slut.", taehyung cries and jeongguk can't believe his ears.

"he did fucking what? taehyung i'm literally gonna-"

"p-please don't tell the others, they already hate him enough."

"because he treats you like fucking shit taehyung! why can't you see that we only want what's best for you?"

"but i love him.", he cries. "i love him gguk."

jeongguk can feel his own heart shatter into way too many pieces.

"here.", he gives his phone to jeongguk to show him the messages from bogum so he knows what's going in.

"he's so fucking-"

"i-i'm sure he will apologize. he doesn't mean it like that. he just loves me so much that he wants me to be with him all the time and sometimes he loses control when he's jealous. but he loves me i know that."

"tae.", jeongguk says in the most gentle way.

"you're suffering. you can't even enjoy a night with your friends. love ain't supposed to make you feel that way. love ain't supposed to make you cry like that. i don't want to see you suffer."

taehyung looks deeply into jeongguk's eyes and he has to admit that right now jeongguk makes him feel something he has never made him feel before. he doesn't know what it is though. but it's nice.

he hugs jeongguk again tightly and jeongguk smiles slightly, stroking the back of the other's hair.

jeongguk has always been able to comfort taehyung better than anyone else. taehyung knows that.

when he was sad, even before bogum was in his life, the only person he wanted to see was jeongguk.

that changed when he got a boyfriend. when he's sad he first tells him. but when his boyfriend is the reason for him being sad and he can't be with bogum since he treats him shitty when he's mad, he wants jeongguk.

of course he does, it's his best friend after all.

"tae i want to be honest with you even if it's gonna make you sad.", he says when they pull back from the hug.

taehyung nods with big teary puppy eyes. those eyes which make jeongguk go crazy every time.

"i don't believe that he loves you. because i know what it means to really love someone. someone who loves you wants you to always be happy even if it means he's gonna be upset himself. he wouldn't even have a reason to be upset as long as you're happy. someone who loves you knows the difference between jealousy and emotional abuse. someone who loves you would never ever call you a slut.
he would appreciate how perfect you are instead of calling you a bad boyfriend. taehyung someone who loves you would die for you to be happy. always be happy."

"jeongguk.", taehyung gasps. "the person you love must be so lucky. i didn't even know you had someone like that."

a dry chuckle leaves jeongguk's mouth. a really sad chuckle.

"it's been a very long time. i don't have him anymore. he's gone.", he lies.

"i'm sorry."

"anyways tae what i want to tell you is.. all i can do is to hope for you that one day you will realize that you deserve better. i can't force you to break up or anything. but i also want to tell you that.. no matter how often he breaks your heart, i will always be here to comfort you. even if you make up with him the next day. i will always listen."

taehyung's eyes fill with tears again. he has such an amazing friend, jeongguk probably has the biggest heart taehyung has ever known.

"t-thank you. so much.", he hugs him again.

"of course."

jeongguk will go through all of it. the pain of seeing taehyung in pain, the overwhelming anger he feels towards bogum, the unbearable pain of taehyung forgiving bogum so quickly and kissing him again. the pain of taehyung loving bogum. he will go through all of it just for taehyung. if he can't have taehyung, he can at least be a good friend to him.

they're hugging for a while, feeling so comfortable in each other's embrace.

jeongguk can't even explain how bittersweet it is to hold taehyung close.

"i'm sleepy.", taehyung says when they pull back from the hug.

jeongguk nods.

"will you stay? you can join the others if you want.", taehyung says.

"no, i'm staying. lay down.", he says and taehyung does exactly that. he knows that he's feeling depressed because of bogum. but laying on jeongguk's chest now, feeling his arms around his body, makes him feel a lot better.

"i'm scared of tomorrow.", taehyung admits by mumbling that into his chest. "i don't want to deal with him when he's angry."

"did he ever hurt you?", jeongguk asks and only the thought of that makes him see red.

"no, of course not."

"if he does, i'll kill him."

"mhm.", taehyung just mumbles tiredly, not believing that bogum would ever hurt him physically anyway.

"i'll kill him.", jeongguk repeats, drowned up by his thoughts. taehyung doesn't answer to that.

"good night ggukie."

"good night tae."


it's the next day and jeongguk drove taehyung home. they just arrived at his house. taehyung's parents are gone that's why he's going to be alone. well, that's what he thought.

"bogum will come right?"

"yeah.", taehyung says.

"i'm staying until he's here."

"why though? i mean of course you can but-"

"because i want to. come on.", he says and together they go inside.

jeongguk wants to see in what mood bogum is when he comes here. also taehyung must be unbelievably anxious waiting for bogum, so he will try to calm him down a little and be there for emotional support.

it's like 3 pm already because everyone slept really long and after that they ate "breakfast" together at at jimin's place.

"gguk should we watch that anime jimin told us about?"

"sure.", he smiles and taehyung grabs snacks from the kitchen before they both make themselves comfortable in the livingroom.

taehyung is leaning his head on jeongguk's shoulder and jeongguk has an arm around him. it's been a while since they cuddled like that.

while watching tv, taehyung's thoughts wander to bogum sometimes and he starts feeling anxious again. but before he can even feel very anxious, he remembers that jeongguk is with him and that makes him feel better.

taehyung doesn't even know why he's so scared of seeing bogum. maybe it's because he can't take another fight and he can't handle the person he loves being so mad at him and telling him horrible things.

also he knows that bogum will freak out because of taehyung being alone with jeongguk. but jeongguk is his best friend so bogum has to deal with that.

they're enjoying the anime until suddenly the doorbell rings.

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