Falling In Oblivion ~ Loki/ Thor Fanfic

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Hey everyone this is my first fanfic ever so please be kind :P I'm really excited for this one and I really hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think!!!

Happy reading! :)


Oblivion ~ Loki/ Thor Fanfic

Chapter 1: The Task




I glared at my opponent with a mischievous grin spread upon my lips. At first he looked petrified like he was about to dart away in fear calling to his mother. But then he said with a bitter tone

“Give it up Silver! You're no match for me!” My grin widened and I could tell he was doubting himself. I circled around him keeping my elbows up to block my stomach for I knew that was his favourite spot to kick or punch. I've studied all the agents in training finding their weaknesses, their strong points and most important when they felt the most vulnerable.


"You sure about that?" But before he could answer I dashed forward like a flash of lightning. I caught him off guard and straddled him to the ground. We hit the mat square on and I cuffed his arms behind his head. My short structure gave me an advantage. I was faster then they were.


"Cause I'm pretty sure you're no match for me." I whispered in his ear smirking down at him. He growled and wrapped his legs around my waist flipping me under him. But before he could straddle me I slipped through his legs and pushed him on his stomach.


"Nice try Parker but you're never going to beat me." I stated as the whistle blew. Clapping erupted around the mat and people came rushing to me congratulating me on my win. I tried to push away but the crowed engulfed me. I felt uncomfortable with everyone surrounding me and asking how I did it every time.

“Um... practice.” I answered bleakly not sure what else to say. Parker stood up and brushed imaginary dirt off his pants. “One day I will... you’ll see.” He said punching my arm playfully. “Good job.”


“Thanks.” I replied punching him back lightly. 

"Alright settle down next pair up." Our trainer called out and we scattered off the mat. After the next two pairs went it was time for lunch. I sat on the mat alone as the room cleared out. I grabbed my runners out of my bag and slipped them on tying double knots on each foot.

I stared up at the blank windowless grey walls that just made everything so depressing. Did no one in this building like colour? Like seriously what is so wrong with a splash of pink or blue? I zipped my bag up and pushed it back into its cubby hole. I stood up and exited the training room following the hallway until it took me to the cafeteria.

I stood by the door for a moment scanning the cafe for somewhere to sit. The cafeteria always reminded me of one you saw in those cliche movies that came on TV all the time. Except for the people all wore gear of some sort and there were no windows or bright colours. But the people still sat in their little clicks laughing and chatting and occasionally taking a bite of whatever was on their tray.

I was never apart of a click. Not that I ever wanted to be apart of one. Even through school before I dropped out I was perfectly fine with being alone. I finally spotted an unclaimed table and made my way to it until I was stopped when I heard my name being callled. "Silver!" I looked over my shoulder and my eyes landed on Parker sitting at a table with three other people by the far wall.

He was waving his hand and patting the seat next to him. Alright I wasn't a total loner I did have Parker who would talk to me ever so often. But he never called me over to sit with him.

I slowely made my way over to him and crossed my arms over my chest once I reached his table. "Yes?" I asked cocking one eyebrow up. Parker smiled up at me while the others whose names had- shockingly- disapeared just stared up at me with blank yet judging looks.

They were jealous of me. I dont mean to sound concieded but it was the truth. I was the strongest out of the girls and probably beat some of the guys in that catagory. But no matter how strong or skilled I was Fury would never let me out in the field. Which completely sucks but it keeps people from hating my guts completely.

"Take a seat." Parker patted the seat next to him. I really didnt want to being the stuborn person I was but I slipped into the seat anyways proving that I was fine with the blank judging stares. Just to put the icing on the cake I smiled down at them making sure to show teeth.

"As long as you don't gloat you can stay." Parker joked and the others laughed at his joke. "I make no promises." I smirked and crossed my arms over the table. "Ya you shouldnt hold her back I mean really Parker that was pathetic." One of the guys said and Parker gave him a menacing glare.

"You should watch out Will you and me are after lunch." Parker marked a grin forming on his lips. "Lucky for you Will after lunch you get to take it easy." I remarked and the whole table erupted in laughter. Even Parker laughed.

Will and I had started disscusing how Parker needed to work on his skill when someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around to find a woman dressed in a suite with her hair slicked back in a tight bun behind me. “Yes?” I asked puzzled that someone from upstairs was here. She eyed me for a moment before responding. "You are Silver correct?" The woman asked. Her hands were neatly placed infront of her and she kept her chin high causing her eyes to trail down towards my short figure. "Yup." I answered casually.  “Mr. Fury wants to see you in his office.” She said and the whole room went quiet. My breath caught in my throat as all eyes landed on me.

It was exactly like a scene in one of those cliche movies except this was real life and this was Fury wanting to talk to me not some boy asking me out. And if Fury wanted to talk to me personaly then there was something big happening at hand.

Sorry its really short I'm hoping the next chapters are longer. So tell me what you think! Thanks soooo much for reading!

Pic of Silver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



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