Chapter 5: The Time Machine

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I know I suck...

Chapter 5:

Six sharp my ass I was thinking something more reasonable like maybe after lunch. Of course when I proposed this to Fury he threatened to send a Swat team in to give me a personal wake up call. I told him the alarm on my phone would work perfectly.

Of course that morning I had to press the snooze button at least six times before actually pulling myself out of bed. I glanced at the clock that read 5:23. Ugh gross morning. The sun wasn't even up yet. Why the heck was I up before the sun!?

I was almost about to fall back down into my warm welcoming bed when I remembered Fury saying something about a Swat team. The man wasn't a bluffer. After washing up I entered my bedroom again which consisted of a single bed, a shack of a closet and a ‘vanity’ which was really just a table with a smallish mirror placed on it.

I groaned as I opened my closet really wanting to stay in my pajama shorts and t-shirt. I grabbed the first thing I saw which happened to be my grey skinny jeans then slipped on my long sleeved white t shirt over top.

I then applied my usual black eyeliner and mascara. I don't even know why I even bothered since after training I would look like a racoon anyways.

This time when I opened the door there was no Aden or any agent at all. I was somewhat disappointed because it meant I would have to take the subway since my mustang was at headquarters which I usually didn't mind but it was nice just driving there.

Once I entered the SHIELD building Jenna the secretary met me and explained my schedule for the day. For the morning I would train like I usually did but after lunch I would meet with most likely Fury or someone else to go over Asgardian history, educit and strategy and so on to prepare me mentally for this mission.

It was awkward going back to training. Everyone would stare and some would ask what happened. I made up an easy lie to tell but it felt strange saying it outloud.

But it didn't matter this mission is supposed to be kept secret no one tells me why but if someone were to find out about the mission it would be on my shoulders.

This schedule would go on for two day and every time I could I would ask when I was able to see the time machine and learn how it works. And each time I would be met with the same answer... silence. It was the third day now and Fury was sitting in on my educit lesson. It was the perfect time to ask questions.

“So how does the time machine work?” I directed the question to Fury hoping to get some answers instead of silence for once.

“Don’t start you will find that out soon enough.” Fury said crossing his arms over his broad chest. Well someone was in a mood. I probably should have backed off as soon as I was shut down but like always I pushed on.

“So since you wont explain how the time machine was made are you finally going to explain to me why the alarms went off last week?” I asked and propped my elbow up on the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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