Chapter 4: Break In

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Chapter 4: Break In

The car ride back was painfully silent. I didn't like silence, never did never will. It was awkward and frustrating and I always had to be talking. Yet something told me not to speak in that moment. Maybe it was the fact that Aden gripped the wheel so tight that his fingers turned white or maybe it was something else. But I stayed quiet for once in my life.

Soon enough the the high glass tower of SHIELD appeared and I was thankful that the silence would end soon and I could get away from Aden. We cruised through the underground parking lot and had to show our badges every once and awhile to an officer.

Finally, Aden parked the black car into a spot then cut off the engine. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I opened the door to the car and slipped out slamming it behind me.

Aden followed after me until we were right beside each other. “I would say that this was a pleasure but I was told that if you don't have anything nice, don't say it at all.” I said and gave him a quick smile.

“Oh and is that what stopped you before?” He asked amuse lining his tone. Seriously just once can he leave me with the last word? “Before I didn't have Fury have every security camera watch my every move.” I replied and with that I spun on my heels and headed for the elevators.

I couldn't stand talking to him for one more minute.

“Pleasure was all mine!” He yelled after me and I rolled my eyes dramatically. I spun around again an insult ready to roll of my tongue but I choked it back. He was gone.

Like gone gone as if he had disappeared into thin air. That was impossible the elevator was the only entrance and he wouldn't have gotten into his car because I would have heard it.

Well that was strange.

I didn't push it any further, instead I turned around and headed for the elevators. I scanned my ID card then waited for the elevator to arrive. A minute later the doors opened revealing three officers who seemed to be in a hurry.

They bustled past me without a word and headed into the parking lot. I didn't give them a second look for the elevator was about to close. I quickly slipped through the doors and pressed the lobby button.

The doors chimed then pulled open. I stepped out into the busy lobby that seemed a lot more busy today. There were guards everywhere you turned and at every door. Agents that I briefly recognized from training scrambled about the lobby shouting orders and holding weapons. I took in the scene with widened eyes.

What the bloody hell was going on?

“Oh Sliver! Please come on Mr. Furry is waiting for you!” The secretary  from yesterday whose name has completely left my mind came rushing towards me. Her hair was now in a slick straight ponytail with not one fly away and she was dressed in a pant jacket and skirt.

She snatched my wrist before I could utter out a word and then we were off towards the main elevators. Her stilettos clicked against the floor as we made our way through the bustling bodies towards the elevators. We stood in front of the large iron doors with the bold crest of SHIELD on it. The secretary released my wrist to push the button to the the elevator.

The large doors slide open welcoming us in. In and out officers and agents came all holding some form of weaponry. The behavior was odd and I’ve never seen anything like it in all the years I’ve been here. I asked the secretary what was going on but she muttered a response about a security check. But this all seemed much more than a security check.


“Some alarms went off in the bottom floors and we just wanted to make sure everything was alright.” Fury was very hard to read. He was one of the few I could never tell if they were lying or not. I sat once again in the cool, hard office chair and Fury stood behind his desk giving me the look that said that he wasn't really in the mood for my smart ass remarks.

The secretary led me into the office and told me to sit down. A few minutes later, Fury stepped in and I demanded to know what was going on. “Is that the reason your hand is on your holster?” I asked nodding to his hand.

He removed his hand from his holster and placed them both on the table looking me straight in the eye.  “I don't have time for smart asses today Silver.” He said and I cocked my head to the side, challenging him. It probably wasn't the best idea but I couldn't help it. “You will be leaving in a weeks time.” He blurted right out of the blue. I stood bolt upright from my seat. “Excuse me?”

‘‘This week you will train and learn about the ways of the Asgardians.” He explained but it didn't seem clear to me. “W-what? But I thought that I wouldn't be leaving in like months! This is all so sudden...” I trailed off.

Why was I freaking out about this? There was nothing that I would be leaving behind I had no family... or friends.

My job? They'd probably do better without me. But this was a completely different world than mine. “We need to act quickly, we have no idea when Loki could strike back.”

“I thought he was in jail or whatever you call it in Asgard.” I said somewhat confused. I’m pretty sure the security in Asgard is pretty tight being gods and all.

“Yes but his allies aren’t.” I never really thought about that. I guess Loki did have followers and allies in Asgard and in our world. What if they found a way to free Loki? Then we would all certainly be doomed. But then there was always the Avengers. Fury took my puzzled silence to his advantage.

"Did you and Mr. Wright get along?" Fury asked eyeing me carefully. "Sorry who?" I asked not having any idea who Mr. Wright was. "Aden, Aden Wright the officer that escorted you here." Fury explained one eyebrow high on his forehead.

"Sure you can say that." I murmured resisting the urge to roll my eyes and gag at the thought of Aden. It wasn't his looks that I was gagging at but more so his ugly personality. “He was there with you the whole time... right?” Furt asked studding a piece of invisible dust on his jacket.

“Yes I suppose... why?” I raised my eyebrows sitting back in my seat.

“Curiosity.” He shrugged then changed the subject knowing I would be itching for more answers. “Be here tomorrow at six sharp you've got a lot of work to do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest for affect.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

What was up with the whole security thing? And Adens strange disapearence??? It will all unfold in time ;) dont worry Thor and Loki are coming soon!

Meh I know this is super short but I really want to get to the good stuff! And itscomig soon :D

Soooooo drop a comment below and let me know what you think I love to hear your feedback!!!

Coi everyone xoxo


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