Chapter 1: Preparing For War

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She followed him out of the facility. Now they were on one of Mustafar's biggest landing platforms. But they weren't alone hundreds of droids with training sabers and vibroblades and hundreds of Sith. Some she recognized right away, others she didn't. "What have you done?"

"I have traveled back in time plucking people if you will from the timeline over to here. The Sith Empire. . . We have returned. These droids will help prepare you and get you up the speed with all the new forms of lightsaber combat. She slowly approached one and you and activated her crimson blade VRROOM.


The hologram started up, Count Dooku knelt down before his master. "Darth Tyranus, rise," He obeyed Darth Sidious. "Have you felt it, my apprentice?"

"There is a disturbance in the force, yes a big shadow has spawned seemly out of nowhere. If we can sense its presence it's not hiding that well that means Grand Master Yoda could possibly feel it too."

"I am not sure what has happened Darth Tyranus, but I feel the source of our problems is at the Mustafar. Go there with General Grevious and a CIS fleet."

"As you wish, my master," Dooku replied.


"You sense it too?" Mace Windu asked Master Yoda. They both sat on chairs in dimly lit room, a meditation chamber of sorts in the Jedi Temple. "The dark side of the force is strong the Sith are present. We must look for this threat, most of the corruption is from the Mustafar system."

"Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are our two closest Generals they can go and investigate?" Mace Windu suggested.

"Very well, but we must be cautious I believe we are all in grave danger."


"Are you ready, Darth Imperious?" Darth Momin asked.

"Ready for what?" She looked up at him and then realized groups started to form on the platform. No more practicing I guess. She thought. Then she saw Sith warriors step forward and sparring had begun. Testing out what they had learned. "I'm ready."

Star Wars: Sith Lords (%)Where stories live. Discover now