Chapter 4

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Bowen has spent his time looking after Bran. Bowen although he doesn't show it a lot cares deeply for his family. Seeing his younger brother unconscious scares him. The good news is that the Maester said that Bran will wake. Bowen though is still scared for him. His mother as well she hadn't left his side since the incident.

"You should see your Father" Catelyn struggled to say. 

"Why he's not in danger." Bowen countered.

"No, but he needs you. I believe he wants you in Kings Landing" Catelyn said solemnly. Bowen was shocked that he hasn't been asked to leave for Kings Landing but would go if his father needed him. Bowen gathered himself in order to be composed and calm for when he would leave to find Ned. 

Bowen would find his Father later. Standing in the courtyard talking to some men that were coming with to Kings Landing. "Mother says you need me in Kings Landing." Bowen Asked. 
Ned looked at his secondborn and nodded. "Something doesn't feel right I know it." Ned stated. Bowen looked at his father in his brown eyes. Bowen was young and had many questions for his Father like what about this didn't feel right. He couldn't wrap his head around it because he was the King's best friend by far his mosted person. 

"What do you mean" Bowen questioned. 

"I believe there's more to Jon Arryn's death" Ned said. Bowen's green eyes widened at the shocking claim his father made. What did he mean by this. Bowen now understood why his Father was asking him to come to Kings Landing. It wasn't to help him investigate the death of the Kings Hand, it was to protect his sisters coming on the journey. 

"I understand now, why you want me to come." Bowen said. 

Ned looked at his son with pride, happy that his son understood what he needed him to do. Ned knew he was being selfish asking his son this but he needed to find out more. in order to protect his friend, his family and the realm. 

"Pack to leave for Kings Landing now then." Ned Said. 

- Later -

Bowen packed for his journey to Kings landing. He made sure to have enough clothes that were made for the warmer weather there which weren't many. Kings Landing is always warm oppososed to Winterfell that is always cold even in the summers. Bowen made sure to bring food for Solus on his journey as the Dire Wolf would be joining him. 

Bowen was finished prepping his horse for the Journey to Kings Landing. When he turned around he saw his older brother Robb smiling. 

"Hear your going to Knigs Landing with Father." Robb stated. 

"That is right, no worries though I won't be gone for too long. Try not to miss me too much" Bowen said smirkingly. Robb laughed and embrace his younger brother. 

"Safe travels. till we meet again" Robb said.

"Till we meet again" Bowen said. 

The two brothers embraced one last time bidding farewell to each other until they meet again. Bowen left to say goodbye to his now bed-riddden brother Bran. Saying farewell to his mother in the process. He looked at his mother laying by his bedside scared and praying to the gods that her son returns in good health soon. 

Bowen got onto his horse and made way towards on the Kings road with the destination of Kings Landing with Solus by his side. Traveling the Kings road. Bowen would look at his half brother Jon. Jon was preparing to part ways and follow Uncle Benjen towards Castle Black to join the Nights Watch. 

"Well brother till we meet again" Bowen said looking at his older brother. 

"Till we meet again Stark" Jon said. 

Ned would ride up to them and looked at Bowen signalling that he wanted to talk to Jon alone. Bowen would obey to give his father privacy to speak to Jon. 

Bowen would start to follow the King parade of soldiers protecting him, with start men protecting the ladies of Winterfell. When a white horse road up to him. Bowen would look to his left and see Taron Lannister. Wearing the Lannister colours with a sword at his hip that had gold hilt. 

"Never realised how big the north is" Taron stated smirkingly. 

"Same can't be said for people" Bowen countered.

"Yes, too cold to farm and to harsh for poorer people to claim the lands. Still doesn't take away from how vast the land truly is." Taron said. Bowen was bored from Taron speaking. He couldn't befriend a Lannister due to him knowing their all snakes only serving the one winning in the game of thrones. 

"Is there a reason for you speaking or did you just want to hear your voice." Bowen said with annoyance. 

Taron smirked and let a laugh. "Just wanted to speak, everyone else here is boring all sucking up to me daring to not offend me. But you will say what you please. I respect that I wish everyone else was simular". Bowen shook his head and rode ahead. Ignoring the youngest Lannister with the classic arrogance of one. 

Bowen knew that he couldn't trust anybody, he was there to protect his sisters at all cost and he was going to do that even if it costed his life. 

Bowen Stark || Daenerys Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें