Chapter 5

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The group travelling to Kings landing set up camp in a field for rest. Bowen has spent most of the time watching over his siblings. Arya is dead set on training in swordsmen ship with her new blade that Jon gifted her before he left. Sansa is love sick for the heir to the throne Joffrey. Bowen couldn't get a read on Joffrey he seemed to be ok albiet annoying little shit, but on the other hand he feels there something sadistic in him. Just from the way he looks down on people below him but when someone equal to him comes he's decently mannered. Bowen feels like there's going to be a switch turned on him soon. Bowen hasn't seen his father since they first set camp. He knows he been attending to the king who is also his best friend and now more recently works directly under. 

Bowen found himself only accompanied by his new best friend Solus on the outskirts of camp. It was a nice day out. The sun was shinning down on the green grass. 'Must be close to the south' Bowen thought. He was enjoying the sounds of nature with distant chatter from camp in the background. Bowen closed his eyes and rested with the grey furred dire wolf next to him. 

"Being productive must not be your strong suit." Someone said.

Bowen lazily opened his eyes. his expression said annoyed. Annoyed because he was being disturbed whilst in his solitude. And knowing who's voice that belonged too. Taron Lannister.  

"You know when someone is alone it's not by accident it's by design" Bowen said monotonely.

"Your a boring person then." Taron countered cheerfully. Taron would march in front of Bowen with a smirk on his face. His well kept golden long hair was falling onto his forehead as looked down at him with piercing blue eyes. "For a man with your reputation you don't do a lot now." Taron added

"What do you want" Bowen questioned emotionlessly. 

"A duel" Taron said opening his arms to reveal his red tunic that he was wearing. "If I win than you and I with go get drinks together like good friends" Taron said. 

"when I win" Bowen said.

Taron laughed. "My friend I've never lost to anybody other than Jaime, I got more experience than you". Bowen squinted his eyes in confusion there wasn't that much in the experience gap. Bowen is 16 while Taron is 19 making him three years older than Bowen. "You stop bothering me." Bowen stated. Taron shook his head smirking whilst doing so. 

"Despise me that much huh, well if thats your term than I accept." Taron said with determination.

Bowen pushed himself up. once he got up on his two feet he stretched his back needing to do so for laying down for so long. then wiped his hands on his black tousers. Bowen looked by Solus where he left his belt that possessed his shealthed sword. The sword was a regular steel sword that had a black leather grip and and steel hilt that matched the blade. Bowen would bent down grabbing the black leather sword belt causing Solus to stir awake. 

"Might have to take the Dire Wolf instead of a drink" Taron said sarcastically.

Bowen would shake his head in disapproval. And unshealth his blade revealing his longsword steel blade. Giving it a few practice twirls to get the feel and weight down. Following Bowen was Taron who unshealthed his sword. His sword was steel simular to Bowen except for the hilt he had the classic Lannister gold hilt with brown leather on his grip. Bowen was impressed by the craftsmanship of the blade anybody could tell that it was beautifully made. 

"Nice sword shame I'm going to leave a few chips in it" Bowen remarked.

Taron smirked "I hope so its too new needs some wear to give people fear when I bring it out". 

"Now lets make it clear first to be disarmed or yield loses. no killing and maiming." Taron stated.

Bowen would agree. Bowen and Taron would circle waiting to see who makes the first move to attack. Taron would lunge forward swinging his sword overhead to strike. Bowen would react quickly turning his sword to block the overhead strike, swinging his sword to break the lock of blades to knock Taron off balance. Bowen would then would sent a strike of his own to end the fight quickly. But Taron was quick to parry him. Blows after blows would be traded showing that these two young men where on the same field when it comes to swordsmenship. Bowen would begin an attack that started with a swing that was blocked but followed by a swing coming down on Taron. Taron would block locking swords with Bowen before Taron would use his hilt to unlock the swords and off balance Bowen. Taron would notice Bowen following his sword when the blades got unlocked together taking advantage of the moment Taron would kick Bowens feet out from under him. Bowen would join the dirt where was looking up to see a steel blade looking at him. 

"You yield I take it" Taron said with a smirk.

"Yield" Bowen said begrudgingly. Taron would retract the sword from his former foes face and smile knowing that he had won. 

"I must say the rumors do no justice to your skill but your experience is piss" Taron said. Bowen shuffled to his feet putting his sword in his sheath. Bowen was angry frustrated that he lost he knew he could have won. 

"I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult." Bowen said. 

"Take it as instruction on what to improve on. But now we drink." Taron said.

Bowen would follow Taron to a tent that had ale and the two would drink and talk becoming closer friends something that Bowen never expected.

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