Chapter One

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I sigh continuing, "Everyone who has heard a thing has heard of the prophecy, that in the face of war in some random generation, an heir would be born with unpredictable power in Azania, and when they were found, they were too be married to the heir of the Wakanda thrown, combining the nations, it was predicted that their unity would be sacred, and aid Wakanda in its winning of the war, just as the black panther of Wakanda helped us through the apartheid"

"I tell you all of this, because recently I discovered a power, one I've never seen in myself before".

"Adamma, then you know it is your duty to ascend to the thrown".

"I understand what I owe to my people, and the people of Wakanda RiRi, but what about what I owe to myself" I say in despair, my dearest friend that I met through a brief exchange program, she's the only one I can tell about this, anyone else and I'd be in a wedding gown and spitting out preprepared vows, and being the sole cause of a possible war between our nations.

"What do you mean" she asks as I hear her messing with some metal and materials on the other end.

"Our heir is a woman RiRi"

I hear a deep sigh, then a loud ass laugh, her tools seemingly falling from her hand as I hear a clink.

"Not this denial again Adamma" she says trying to catch her breath after laughing so hard.

"I'm not going to say what you think I'm going to say" I whisper scream into the phone and she quiets down clearly intrigued "go on".

"You were right, I know I like women, but what good does that do me when my whole family is homophobic and I'm the fricking princess of our kingdom?, I don't want to know what they'd do when they found out the prophecy for told their youngest daughter marrying a woman".

"Holy shit, I didn't think you'd came to terms yet, and now that you say that... it seems like a bigger dilemma than I'd expected."

"It is, on one hand, all of those lives are so worth my coming forth, bit on the other, my coming forth would just bring danger to them earlier."

"What does the prophecy say about these powers, is it possible to hide them, do they evolve?, I can invent some technology to help you mask them til you decide the best course of action." She rambled on, "wait, what is this power you've discovered?".

"Oddly enough the Prophecy is short and sweet, if there's more to it then none of my Kingdom is aware."

"But that's the problem RiRi, it's not just 'a' power, something weird has been happening every night, for two weeks, it started with the premonitions, I saw glimpses of town in ruin after the war, days after I started to have precise intuition, I even got kicked out of playing spades because they thought I was card counting, then I started having nightmares about the same vision, every night. most nights after the nightmares end, I find myself in a foreign kingdom, some sort of astral travel, and no one there can see me, no one there can hear me, I think it's Wakanda".

Now that I think about it, it is quite odd that I've never been to Wakanda, with the prophecy and all you'd expect our Kingdoms to want each set of heirs to the thrown to be quite familiar with one another, but no one would anticipate a random war, and my country was a private one.

"All of those could be pure dumb luck though, the one that scares me the most is this intense body heat I get, if I don't wake up in some foreign kingdom after the nightmares, I'm here burning up until I take a shower, as soon as water touches me steam arises, I melt my toothbrush for fucks sake."

"I don't know the limit to this power, but I know it's unrelenting, and the only way to stop it is to succumb to it, but I would never feel right putting their people in danger, besides Wakanda is an admirably strong nation, and I'm not sure my absence will have much of an affect."

RiRi was quiet but I could tell she was nodding, as she does when she forgets we're not on FaceTime.

"Adamma, whatever you do, be safe" she says, I can tell this is a lot, even for someone as genius as her, because there is no straight forward answer, it's not math and science, it's a grueling poem, a riddle if you will, with too much room for interpretation, it's a suffocating reality.

"I will, love you, listen I have to talk to you later" I say looking up towards the ceiling "okay love you too" I hang up even more confused than before.

I sit for a moment, growing uncomfortable with the stress I'm feeling, I don't do well with negative emotions, so for one day, I'll relinquish control, I can decide in these upcoming days what has to be done.

The prophecy is the prophecy for a reason right?, if it was meant to come true than it'd sort itself out I think smugly.

I get up with a newfound way to look at things, play dumb til the universe forces fate onto me, I open my bedroom door letting my hand trail on the banister as I walk downstairs.

"Adamma is that you? Hurry, Come to the foyer" I hear my mother beacon me. As I reach the bottom I smile blankly holding my arms behind myself "yes mother".

"Greet our guests, ruler of Wakanda, Queen Ramonda, and Princess Shuri" she says gesturing off to the side in an elegant motion.

Well letting fate decide was a complete bust. I think to myself before smiling sweetly now noticing the two women on the other side of the room, I walk to them slightly bowing.

"It is nice to meet you Ms. Ramonda, and Miss Shuri" I say discreetly and hopefully unnoticeably avoiding eye contact.

"Likewise Princess Adamma, now let us stop being so formal, you two go off, and have some fun, me and your mother have much to discuss"

I go alert, I don't know how these powers will react while being so close to the other piece to the puzzle. " Would my brother prince Amari, not be more fit to introduce Shuri to the fun we have here?" I don't think my mother has realized they may suspect of me and Shuri being the foretold couple of the prophecy, so deflecting is best in this situation. I haven't taken one look at Shuri since she's been here.

of course I know what she looks like, she's a fricking princess, Id have to live under a rock to be that unaware. But I've been avoiding her gaze since she's been here, if eyes are the windows to the soul then I have to shield mine, to protect her people from what may come of what my soul hides.

"I think I'd prefer you take me around" Shuri says kind of sharply, I look up at her for the first time and seen her eyeing me suspiciously, she knows I'm hiding something, and I'm supposed to be the one with heightened intuition I think.

I like her hair I think to myself.

"As you wish", "come with me" I say after staring in her eyes a little startled, I have to get way better at lying if I want to make this work.

Hey guys, there won't be much authors notes throughout this story because even I don't like them, but this one is to let you guys know that constructive criticism and feedback is welcome, but just that and that alone, hate will not be tolerated.

Stick to the Script-Shuri x OCWhere stories live. Discover now