Chapter 13 - Gone With A Trace

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Author's Note: I would say Anakin's line in the Phantom Menace of "the biggest problem in this world is that no one helps each other" is really what Star Wars is all about, and that's essentially what the moral of the Twins series is too. Hardly anyone shows one another any selfless compassion, and inevitably, that leads to things completely blowing up in the worst ways possible. I wouldn't say anyone fit that qualification in Star Wars other than the Skywalkers.

But maybe this once, a little extra selfless compassion will prevent things from going as far as they did in canon. ;)

But hey, don't expect me to give any spoilers. *evil grin*

~ Tirana Sorki

Ahsoka Tano

There's little more we can do in our investigation right now, until Fives and Echo come up with a report on the next lead they've been chasing. Ventress' trip into the Sith Temple didn't get us anywhere, so for now, Alema and I are still hanging around Trace, and to a lesser extent, her nephew – Poe Dameron.

Sometimes, he's here for her to watch over while Rafa is busy elsewhere,

Alema is holding him now, as he he tries to play Trace's tools.

"If you stay, we can test the Silver Angel," Trace is saying cheerfully. She clearly wants us around, but I don't know if we should stay here. We'll have to get back to focusing on our investigation soon, and we don't need to draw attention to them for no reason while we're at it.

"As long as Rafa doesn't mind," I decide, finally. She's the other problem.

"'As long as Rafa doesn't mind' what?" the woman herself demands, marching into the room.

"Ahsoka and Alema are gonna be staying on for a bit," Trace explains with a grin.

"You got any skills?"

"Only useful ones," I offer.

"It seems Trace could use some help here," Alema replies, turning to look at her, where Poe is in her arms. He squeals, wriggling around as though asking to be put down, and she does.

"Mom!" Poe squeals, running over to Rafa and wrapping his tiny arms around her leg. Really, I know why Alema adores him so much.

"This once, perhaps that may be of use," Rafa agrees, reaching down to detangle him from her leg as she walks further into the shop.

"What's up?" Trace asks.

"Look, I wouldn't ask you to do this, but I'm in a tough spot. I hired a starship and crew for a job –"

"What?!" Trace yells, "You were gonna leave me here?!"

"No!" she defends, "I was gonna do a job, make us some money, an dbe back. But then the pilot backed out and took his ship with him, and –"

"I don't know what's worse," Trace cuts her off, "That you were gonna do this or that you hired a pilot other than me to do it with."

"Hey, someone had to watch over Poe, right?" Alema points out, as the toddler scurries back to her side again, picking up a nearby wrench to inspect with great interest.

"Yeah," Trace agrees, though she still looks unhappy.

"What's the job?" I query. After last time, I don't know if I want to be involved in one of these 'jobs' again. Although someone clearly needs to be around them to keep them out of trouble.

"I'll tell you once we're underway," Rafa retorts, "But we need someone to take care of Poe."

"I could stay," Alema offers immediately, "I don't mind watching over him."

When Paths CollideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora