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December 3, 1899: The day I arrived at prince Ezra's palace. I was only a teenager yet old enough to leave my family behind and get myself a job. I've never had a job before but my knowledge about animals and how to care for them seemed to be high enough for the prince to hire me as his new stable boy.
It was cold outside and as I stepped out of the carriage I couldn't believe my eyes. The beauty of this palace was indescribable. The few others seemed to think the same as the cabby gestured for us to enter. A middle-aged lady let us in and told us to form a line for the prince to welcome us.
That was when I saw him for the first time. His dark shoulder-length hair, his warm hazel eyes and his pale white skin. Maybe I already knew it back then. Maybe I already figured out the reason for my blushing face and the sudden happiness that overcame my body.

I looked at the young men infront of me. They all bowed their heads forward, except for one. He surely wasn't older than 16 and definetely not as wealthy as the others but he made something deep inside of me smile. Maybe it was his caramel brown hair or his curious brown eyes or the way he looked around like a little child.
My smile faded as soon as I came closer. This pure young boy had deep scars all over his face and hands. They were already faded but still looked so painful. Suddenly I felt so sorry for this poor guy that I completely forgot why I was here. He seemed to realize his mistake and also bowed his head forward. I didn't say a word until I stood right infront of him. Then I began to speak.
"Who is this?"
"Henry Lune, sir. You ordered him to become your new stable boy", the serious voice of countess Mary-Anne said.
Since the day my parents died she somehow became a kind of mother figure for me as she served the longest here.
"Then why don't you bring him to the stable? Show him his new working place?"
Mary-Anne bowed her head forward and gestured Henry to follow her.

The prince gave me a little smile before I left with the lady. I didn't even know why but the way this young man smiled at me felt so kind and warming that I had to smile back at him. Then I left the building walking right behind the lady. She led me to the stable where 6 beautiful horses were impatiently waiting to be fed.
"I guess this is your new home. If you need anything you can find me in the palace, second floor first door on the right", the lady said with a serious and kinda harsh voice.
"Excuse me but...where am I going to sleep?"
My voice was more quiet and shy than I thought but the lady had heard me and turned around.
"The servant's rooms are on the second floor aswell. Just choose a free one and let me know which one it is. If you can't find me, ask for countess Mary-Anne"
This completely confused me now.
"Who's that?", I asked somewhat helplessly.
"That is my name. Now start working. The prince won't pay you for just sitting here and talking to me"
Then countess Mary-Anne left me alone in the dark stable that was only illuminated by a small candlelight in the corner.

-600 words

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