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Just a few days later I found a small little note on my bed saying 'meet me in the stable at 9pm' in a beautiful handwriting. I could figure who wrote this and smiled. A few minutes before 9pm I sneaked out of the palace, telling the guards I had to check something on Angel, a beautiful white mare who had recently suffered a small wound on her leg. The light grey flecks on her back combined with her pearl white fell really reminded me of an angel and Ezra must've thought the same naming her.
I rushed to the stable and closed it's door behind me, thinking I was the first one of us. Guess I was wrong. Ezra already awaited me, sitting on a hay bale and stroking one of his horses. The beige stallion with light brown flecks turned his head towards me and Ezra got up.
"Hey", he welcomed me with a soft voice.
"Hey. Long time now see", I answered.
"Long? You think 6 days is a long time?"
He had to giggle and pulled me close towards him.
"Shut up", I laughed and kissed the black haired prince.

I put my hand on his neck and played with his short curls as his scarred fingers touched my cheek. We kissed again and stumbled backwards. I fell over a pitchfork and we both fell onto the hay bales. Henry was lying on top of me and we both giggled like little children. I kissed him and laced my fingers in his. Then I turned us around so that I was lying on top of him now. Now he was the one grinning and wrapping his arms around me. My favorite horse, midnight, began to whinny. I looked at the black mare, the filly of my father's best stallion.
"What? Jealous?", I laughed.
"How should she be jealous? She likes caramel, right midnight?", Henry joked. Caramel was a caramel-beige stallion with light brown flecks and the youngest of my horses.
We both laughed at our silly behavior. Everything was so crazy, crazy but perfect at the same time. To me this situation felt like Henry and I were Romeo and Juliet. A couple destined to die. Romeo, who had nothing to loose and Juliet who could loose everything.
It wouldn't have mattered if Romeo had 5 other wifes after her but if the secret would've been revealed earlier Juliet would've lost everything. Before I could think more about this Henry started to speak again.
"How did your parent's die? It's- it's okay if you don't wanna tell me I just thought about it since you didn't mention any reason for it on new year's eve. Sorry if I'm being  disrespectful in any way I just-"
I stopped him.
"If you ever apologise for something like this again I'm not going to tell you anything!"
I laughed for a second, then I continued seriously.
"My father was killed in a war. My mother couldn't live without him. Only a few months later she died due to yellow fever"
"Oh...I'm sorry for you. Must've been a really shitty experience", Henry said.
He definetely didn't know how to react so I tried to change the topic and asked him about his family.
"My father died 9 years ago. My mother runs a small farm where she and my sister live"

Usually talking about my family and remembering my father's death hurt but talking about it with Ezra somehow didn't but instead felt like coming home after a long time.
"May I ask how...your father died?", prince Ezra asked.
I sighed. I never wanted to talk about it or remember the day it happened. Yet I knew I could trust Ezra and so I started to tell the story.
"It was a summer night back in 1890 and my sister and I were already sleeping. I can only remember that I heard wolves howl and got out of bed. We only had two horses and one of them had just given birth to a filly so I was probably checking on them. I went to our stable and then I saw them. 7 wolves were in there, killing our mare, her filly and our stallion only got away with several bite marks. He jumped over the wolves and disappeared into the woods. I think I didn't understand the danger I was in, standing right infront of a wolfpack but I got closer and tried to get to the mare and her filly. I heard my father scream my name and turned around. In that moment the pack used the situation and attacked me. My father somehow saved me but the wolves attacked him then. He died right infront of me. I remember how I was lying on the ground, bleeding. I saw the wolf coming from behind. I could've warned him. Instead I just lay there and watched. Luckily the wolves left then"
My voice was barely a whisper now and I could feel tears running down my face.
Ezra didn't know what to say. He hugged me and I cried onto his shoulder. We stayed like that for a while until no more tears could come out of my eyes. Then Ezra began to speak.
"Is that the reason for your scars?"
I nodded, still numb from the flashback.
"Thanks to this day I didn't get a job until now. Everyone said I'd scare other people with my looks", I mumbled.
"I think they're beautiful. You know, scars show how strong you are and that you're a survivor", Ezra now said, caressing my face gently.
We stayed in the stable for a few more hours, kissed, cuddled and told each other things we'd never told anyone before.
We were able to trust each other in every way two people could possibly trust each other and I felt like we knew each other better than ourselves.
That's what I loved about this. I've experienced love before but this felt like more. Like the ultimatum of how two people could love and respect each other.

-1.031 words

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