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To say that I was uncomfortable around other people was an understatement. I was petrified of any person whom I didn't know personally. Walking in hallways or in the streets has always been a struggle, saying a sentence out loud in class is terrifying to me. I survived high school yet I can't survive meeting new people, especially people whom in trying to impress.

I sat down next to Mikey on the sofa as he played some fighting game against Raph on the big screen TV. I seemed interesting enough to get my nerves off of everything around me for a few seconds.

Mikey glanced at me in the corner of his eyes and grinned, causing a chain reaction for me to smirk at him back. He paused the game quickly, much to Raph's distaste and turned to me. He picked me up as fast as the ninja that he was was and set me down on his lap and continued the game.

My cheeks turned to a blood cherry red as I blushed hard. My face was burning. Raph turned around ad looked at me. He gave me this smile that looked like he was saying, 'I told ya so'.

"M-Mikey!" I stuttered saying and tried to get off of him but he held onto me tight with a hug, never losing his concentration on the game.

"What? I need my good luck charm!" He laughed out loud.

I huffed where I was as I pretended to look angry when I really was just embarrassed. Cuddling with another person was a big NO before I met the turtles but now, it's not the same. They've changed me.

"Guys! April and Casey are here!" I turned around quickly and saw a couple carrying large bags in their arms and talking to Donnie. They seemed to be catching up and laughing with each other. I felt like shrinking in Mikey's lap and just staying there hoping that they wouldn't notice me.

It didn't last long though.

"Hey Riley! Come here, I want to introduce you!" Donnie called me over causing the other two humans to look at me and smile. I feel like I'm melting.

"Um Mikey?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah?" He said staring at the TV, not even noticing that I was still sitting on him and his death grip around my waist.

"Can you like, oh I don't know, let me go?" I whispered loudly hoping it would get his attention off of the video game.

"Uh? Oh! Yeah. Sorry about that." He said sheepishly as he let me go. I got off of the orange turtle and walked over to Donnie where he was still talking to the couple.

"Um hi there." I said shyly as I waved my hand slightly to get their attention so that I could go back to hiding.

The girl was definitely beautiful, she had straight red hair and colorful bright eyes. She looked completely opposite from me. She had a figure and stood confidently in it. I looked nothing like her. I had brown long waves and poop brown eyes. I didn't have a figure, I was just plainly skinny and had no confidence whatsoever. She looked in her late 20's, I was only 17.

The man standing next to her was tall and buff. He had dark black hair and chocolate eyes that stood out from his tan skin. He definitely worked out or did some other kind of physical activity to get him those many muscles.

"Hi there! My name is April and this is Casey! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She said loudly in a happy voice, the woman was bubbly, I give her that.

I opened my mouth to say my name but couldn't, my eyes widened as I realized that I just couldn't talk. It's not that j wouldn't because I didn't want to, but I just couldn't do it. I tried once more and it didn't work.

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