I'm starting to dislike this roy guy

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A/n heyy its luci🫶🏻 I thought it would be nice to have this song because it is what I listen to when I cry, so good luck reading this chapter

It had been 3 months and everyone was back at home anne was at the lake of shining waters with Diana

"Are you quite alright anne? You haven't talked alot?"

"Yes I'm quite alright"

Anne said wiping her tears

"Oh Anne what's wrong?"

"Ite gilbert. He's not been feeling well and the doctor says he may have Typhus fever and oh Diana I can't loose him I only just got him"

Anne got up as she ran away to go sit at a tree in the forest


Anne was crying into her knees when someone said
"Anne? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
Anne hoped with all her heart it was him she looked up and saw my dad jk he's dead anyways

She looked up and

"Shhh I'm here anne"

He held her in a hug she felt uncomfortable but she was so vulnerable at the moment she couldn't go anywhere

"Roy he can't leave me, he can't I love him"

"Well anne I assume you're talking about gilbert I heard about him you know when someone dies that you love the best way to get over them is to move on and love another" he said with a smirk

"No! I could never and gilbert will not die! He can fight this, he can! I belive in him I-I apologise but I have to go "
Once again anne ran but this time to Gilbert's house

She knocked onto the door as gilbert answered

"Anne! He-"

He was cut of by anne hugging him and holding onto him as if he were life

"Anne are you okay, what's wrong"

He returned the girls hug and stroked her hair he didn't know what was wrong but he was comforting her

"I'm scared gilbert you can't leave me"

"Oh Anne, I'm being taken care of I promise I'm *cough led by a heavy cough and more coughing led by a passed out gilbert*

Anne let out a scream As bash and mary came through to the living room


Anne couldn't answer she was crying her eyes out she didn't know what to do

Let's skip 3 hours and gilbert returns home with amazing news

"Hey, so the doctor thought I had Typhus fever turns out I'm ok It was just a little cough I'm okay and I'm not contagious just a common cold"
Sighs of relief all round as anne ran upto him and kissed him

"You wanna catch a cold anne girl?"

"I'll catch anything for you gil"

Bash and Mary left the room as giblert hugged anne and whispered

"Anne-girl I wouldn't leave you for the world  I promise I'm okay" he says but then stops the hug and hesitates but says

"Oh, and I ran into roy on my way here he says kissed him and told him you want to move on incase I die?" 

Anne froze how dare that roy do that!


"Anne its okay I know you wouldn't so I may have punched him you know im really startingto dislike this roy guy"

Giblert says slowly and slightly proud

Anne hugs him again

"That's my boy"

He smiles down at her in awe

"I wish my dad was here he would love to see us together and to have met you properly" he says quite quietly

"Hes watching us now though gil, he loves and so do I"

"UUgh white people romance" bash walks in

"But I'll let it slide for you two I always knew it would be you two ever since the first day he got on that ship this girl anne he says as he proceeds to do heart eyes while thinking of her then says she's just a freind and now look at you can't keep your hands off her "Oh Anne i love you soo much have My children" bash mocks him and laughs

"Oh go away bash" gilbert laughs and rolls his eyes then whispered

"I wouldn't mind you having my children though"

Anne slapped his arm


They both burst out with laughter as they go to his room and cuddle up and fall asleep

A/n if you're wondering when the sadness with come I haven't even started yet

A few weeks later and gilbert was still sick he was laying in his bed with anne by his side holding his hand


e was laying there as the doctor came in

"Yes that's me"
"I'm sorry anne it doesn't look like he's gonna be with us for much longer"
Anne didn't know what to do she just cried she looked back at gilbert as she felt his hand leave hers

"Anne I love you" he whispered those were his last words, his last breath

Anne cried her heart out and stayed cuddling with him bash had to drag her off him it was heartbreaking for everyone

Anne wouldn't come out of her room for months it had been 5 months since his passing and everyday roy brought anne roses and tried to win over her affection

There was a knock at the door


A letter slide under the door
Anne reluctantly opened it
Dear anne-girl,
                           I'm here, I'm right behind your door wait before you open it, you probably have questions as you think you watched me die you didn't I kind of faked it I had a cure but the trip took months of treatment and I knew you'd worry I'm so sorry I put you through so much pain but while I was gone I got you something I Hope you like it I love you so much and if you have decided to be with roy I understand but please just open the door,

Anne didn't know what to say she jumped to her feet and opened the door to find a kneeling gilbert

"Anne, will you marry me?"

Anne screamed

She jumped into his arms as he spun her around they shared a sweet long kiss.


"I love you way more than you could imagine now turn over the letter"

Anne picked up the letter as she turned it over and read

"If you said yes thank you. I love you I really do and everyone already knows I'm back I made the explanation everyone understood. Anne, you are the fond object of my affection and desire, you and you alone are keeper of the key to my heart please do not be alarmed, if we are engaged I knew, it always has been and always will be you anne my anne with an e with love

Anne was so happy she and gilbert shares another kiss and they never let eachother go anne told everyone about the engagement everyone was thrilled all expect one person

I would love to say the end and they lived happily ever after but I'm afraid one person got in the way of that.

I Thought it was Us against the world? A Shirbert FanficWhere stories live. Discover now