today is the day of love

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A/n hey its luci you're favourite french author there's a little pic of me above beacuese why not I hope you are enjoying this story so far 🫶🏻

Anne and gilbert out to tell jerry the news they ran to the barn so excited to tell Jerry and they stop, frozen in shock
jerry and Diana we're kissing!?
"JERRY" Anne and Gilbert say in unison
They instantly pull apart
"clairement, ma douce diana, nous avons été pris" jerry says (translate- clearly, my sweet Diana we have been caught")
"il semble que mon garçon, pourquoi ne pas simplement leur dire?" Diana replys (translation-it seems so my boy, why don't we just tell them?")

"Oui mon amour nous allons" (translation- yes my love we shall) Diana smiles as anne and gil are still shocked

"They know we can't speak French right?" Anne says
"Yes that's why they're speaking french." Gil responds

Diana and jerry laugh as jerry says
"Uh me and Diana are together? Courting."
Anne screams
"AHH IM SO HAPPY I KNEW IT WOULD BE YOU TWO" gilbert touches her arm
"Calm down darling , I'm happy for you two but we have big news too"
Anne looked at gil as he nods
"WE'RE ENGAGED" she once again jumps up and down so excited as she runs and hugs Diana as gil looked at her and smiled he looked at her when he looked at her waves of passion came over him and he looked at her like she was the last, most delicate rose in the vase and alough its sweet he is not the only boy in the village that looks at her that way. I guess that's the sad thing she never saw gil look at her that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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