Prologue (Poll Closed)

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3rd Person POV:

Have you ever felt left behind, ignored, and/or untreated before? That's what Y/N has to deal with just about every single day in his life. He was ignored by his peers and teachers and neglected by his family. But how did it start? Where did this all begin? To answer that question, we must look back at his old life before he enrolled in Union, shall we?

Flashback to the age of four

Doctor: Well ma'am. I have good news and bad news.

M/N: What's the bad news?

Doctor: The bad news is that Y/N doesn't have a quirk, semblance, chakra, sacred gear, or imperial arms.

M/N: What's the good news?

Doctor: B/N has a unique power called Ki. He can use it to create different attacks similar to Dragon Ball.

B/N: That means that I'm gonna become a great hero.

M/N: Indeed, son.

The two ignored Y/N who was shocked to hear that he won't get any type of power. The doctor felt bad for saying that to a child.

M/N: Let's go and celebrate, B/N.

The two left while Y/N was in the office, by himself.

Doctor: I'm sorry young man. I wish I could give you some hope.

Y/N: It's not your fault, sir. You're just doing your job.

Doctor: Just keep your hopes up, kid. You might be a late bloomer.

Y/N: Thank you, Doctor.

Y/N left the office and tries to find his mother and brother, but couldn't because they had already left. So, he had to walk to his house.


Once he made it back to his home, he knocked on the door, but no one answered. He tried again, but no response again. He then remembered a key underneath the matt. He got the key and opened the door to see no one there.

Y/N: MOM! DAD! B/N! Are you here?!?!

There was no response.

Y/N: *in mind* Did they leave me?

Y/N looked around the house and saw no one in it.

Y/N: *in mind* I know they'll realize that they left me and return back, right?

Unfortunately, the family didn't get back until that night.

Minitimeskip to nighttime

The family returned back from their celebration. They heard the TV on in the living room and thought it was a burglar. They went to the living room and sitting there was Y/N.

Y/N: Mom? Why did you leave me?

M/N: I'm sorry, honey. I was too excited to hear that your brother has power that I forgot about you. I won't do it again, promise.

Y/N: Okay.

Timeskip to the age of 15

Y/N's mother couldn't hold her promise because years later, she did the same thing. Both of the parents neglected him for his brother. The friends that he had, deserted him for his brother. They ignore him and favored his brother over him. Heck, the family forgot about his birthday and spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with him. Y/N had to cook for himself, do neighbor's chores, etc.

Right now, we see the L/N family, along with B/N's friends and the headmasters, celebrating B/N's birthday as always, but this is something different. Today, D/N is going to announce that B/N is called the chosen one and tell them that he was proud of him and announce him to be the next heir to the L/N company. Y/N, per usual, sits outside the house and watches the ceremony.

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