chapter four

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( contains somewhat mature context)

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( contains somewhat mature context)

aurora hated going to sleep knowing that she had school the next morning it was the one thing she hated and hearing a knock at her window was not making that situation any easier.

" its two almost three in the morning—who the hell is at my window" aurora said as she check the clock on her bedside table and got up  to walk to her Window

" i swear to good i am going ki— oh shit Jeremy?" aurora said as she opened her window and seeing Jeremy

"oh hey you mind helping?" Jeremy asked

aurora helped Jeremy inside  trying to not make noise

" hey uh quick question— what are you doing here?" aurora said as she went to lock her bedroom door.

"to talk like i told you we would?" Jeremy questioned

"okay but at two almost three in the morning dude we have school in a couple of hours!" aurora whisperer-yelled at Jeremy

"so what?— come on we used to stay up later  plus i'm here because im trying to talk with you" Jeremy said

"fine last time we were talking you called me uptight"aurora said

"well thats how you were acting— acting like my sister— she's trying to get me to stop smoking" Jeremy said as he took a seat on her bed

"well i don't disagree with her i mean she has a point you are ruining your life" aurora said as she sat on the bed

"oh god not you too— i honestly don't see why you both care its just smoking"
"smoking?— jer your whole summer you were ignoring basically every single person" aurora said as she didn't even bother looking at the brunette boy that was on her bed.

"i didn't ignore every single person—" Jeremy scoffed

"you know what just shut up" aurora said as she got up from the floor and sat on her bed because the floor was uncomfortable.

"your the one that wanted to talk and now you want me to shut up" Jeremy said as he turned a bit to look at the redhead

"i know what i said so shut up" aurora said as she grabbed one of her pillows and smack Jeremy behind his head with it

" you know you were always the meanest person i ever met" Jeremy said and he took her pillow away from her a threw it on the bed

"no i am not i'm the town sweetheart and your the town asshole"aurora said

" and its the reason why we're friends" jeremy said as he smile at the redhead

"yeah friends..." aurora muttered

"so— i know  you hated me when i did this but i really want to kiss you again" Jeremy blurted out

"what?" aurora said shocked making herself stand up

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