chapter eight

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"it was a mistake"

Aurora woke up the next morning in an empty bed

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Aurora woke up the next morning in an empty bed. she went to the bathroom, showered , brushed her teeth and hair and got dressed

aurora put on a pair of blue somewhat baggy jeans and a crop white shirt that had buttons on it she then put her converse on and walked downstairs where she heard Jenna and Elena talking.

"morning Rory do you want anything to eat?" Jenna asked as she looked at the redhead come to the kitchen

"no im fine— thanks though" aurora said as she smiled at the older woman

"Jeremy's bed is uncomfortable isn't it?" Elena asked as she took a sip of her coffee

"actually no it wasn't— and i've had sleep over on the bed and for the first time it wasn't uncomfortable" aurora said

" i hate Jeremy's bed so much— its always uncomfortable" Jenna said

" well i should head out— by Jenna ill see you around" aurora said

"wheres my bye aurora grimes?" Elena asked

" you don't get one because ill see you at school" aurora asked as she grabbed her book bag and walked out of the house


aurora was at school by her locker when she heard

"Aurora— my love i haven't seen you seen forever!" aurora heard a voice behind her and hug her

"you saw me last night" aurora said as she turned around to look at her best friend

"yeah but so much happened last night and i have a light headache" Jackie said as she grabbed her head

"what happened last night and wheres Matt i didn't see him when i got here— he's usually in the front with Tyler" aurora said

"so basically— i was drink and i hear jeremy and Elena start yelling to call an ambulance, jeremy was carrying a girl which i think is Vicki Donovan... anyways she bleeding and now shes in the hospital which is why Matt isn't at school" Jackie said as she almost ran out of breath

"thats alot of information to get in 5 seconds" aurora said as she realized

"yeah... are you going to tell me why you went home?" Jackie asked

"i wil— at lunch" aurora said as she heard the bell ring

"ill see you later" both the redhead said as they walked away from each other


Aurora kept thinking about what jeremy did the whole time she was in her classes. She really wanted to know if what she want thinking was true so she texted him

aurora: hey jeremy where are you, i need to talk with you

jeremy:im at school,whats up?

aurora: meet me behind the school.

aurora raised her hand and asked she she could go to the bathroom.aurora walked out of the exits and walked to the back and waited for jeremy to show up

" hey rory" jeremy said as walked in front of her

"i have a question and i need you to be honest" aurora said

" okay?" jeremy said with a confused expression

"was the only reason you tried to sleep with me because Vicki is in the hospital ?" aurora asked

"what?—" jeremy said

"its a yes or no answer jer" aurora said almost already knowing the answer to the question

"yes.." jeremy said with a low voice

"okay.." aurora said as she tried to not let her tears fall

"i'm sorry Rory— i was stressed an-" jeremy said  before being cut off but the redhead walking away from him

"Aurora....Rory!" jeremy yelled at the redhead who disappeared behind a wall leaving him alone behind the school


Aurora went to her last class before she went to lunch.

"hey jac" aurora said as she sat next Jackie

"hi ro- ok im ready spill"jackie said as she looked at the redhead sitting next to her

"i found out that jeremy had sex with vicki like 3 times" aurora said

"thats why you went home?— over that jerk you do realize that you have a whole other guy that wants you right?" jackie said as she looked over to noah who was looking at aurora but turning away

"im not done dumbass—then mh mom wasn't homei had to stay over at the gilbert house and i slept in jeremy's room" aurora said

"your not finished are you?" jackie asked

"nope its just starting—  it was a mistake but i made out with jeremy— again almost to the point where i had sex with him." aurora said as she looked at the table

"whats?— first of all.. ew why and  secondly why?!" jackie said

"im not finished— also you know how you told me Vicki was in the hospital.. well i kinda figured out that the only  reason jeremy tried sleeping with me was because Vicki is in the hospital" aurora said as she saw jackie her  mouth wide open

"What the actual fuck... did you tell him?" Jackie asked

"yeah he just admitted it and then said something about he being stressed but i just walked away" aurora said as she got up to walk around

" thats it you didn't get mad at him at all?" Jackie said as she followed aurora

"im a little hurt" aurora said as she continued to walk

" a little?— i know for a fact you want to go home." Jackie said as she grabbed aurora hand to stop her from walking

"i really do-" aurora said

" then go ill cover for you" Jackie said as she smiled

"okay ill text you later" aurora said as she started to walk away from Jackie

Aurora had went home and Jackie wait for luch to end but then jeremy came up to her

"do you know where she is?" jeremy asked as he looked like he was out of breath

"she who?" jackie asked the out of breath boy

"you know who im talking about—now where is she?" jeremy

"i would tell you if you di-" jackie said before being cut off by another voice

"hey jackie— do you know where aurora is.. i need to talk to her" noah said

"shes at her house isn't she?" jermey asked

"jeremy shut up!" jackie said

"whatever—" jeremy said as he walked out of the building

"sorry about him— he can be the worst sometimes"Jackie said

"well i can somewhat agree— but uh have you seen aurora"Noah asked

"she went home— but you have her number so just text her" Jackie said

"i kinda wanted to ask her in person— but ok" Noah said

"well ok— well thats the bell ill see you around" Jackie said as she walked away


chapter eight is complete

home is with you//// Jeremy gilbert[1]Where stories live. Discover now