The Beginning

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It had been years since the sky people last attacked.. jake and neytiri have started to live out their peaceful lives with their big family...

(Y/n) Haha! Tag you're it!

Kiri No fair I was resting!

(Y/n) then blows a raspberry and runs off.

Kiri Ugh! Where's spider?....

Kiri then climbs on trees and spots spider.

Kiri Got ya!

Spider Huh!? AHHH!!

Kiri then pounces and tags spider.

Kiri Heh! Your it!

Spider Aww no fair you spotted me from above!

Kiri No excuses! You should have had a better hiding spot then.

Spider Fine.. where's lo'ak and Neteyam?

Spider then goes searching until he hears someone.

??? I've found a great hiding spot I'll never get tagged!

Spider Might wanna check again!!

Spider then tags lo'ak.

Lo'ak Come on! I had the best hiding spot!

Spider Apparently not.

Lo'ak Damn it! Now where to find neteyam?

Lo'ak then looks around and climbs tree to find neteyam. Finally he spots him walking around while looking.

Lo'ak Got you!!

Lo'ak then jumps at his older brother but neteyam had heard and dodge the incoming lo'ak

Lo'ak Oww! Oh I'm going to get you now!

Neteyam Sure.

They then run with neteyam leading lo'ak around the forest until finally neteyam slipped up and lo'ak pounces on him. Jake and neytiri then come out from some trees and find them on the floor.

Jake What are you kids doing on the floor?

(Y/n), spider, and Kiri then come out as well.

(Y/n) We're playing a game called tag! Basically someone is it and they have to tag someone else to pass it on. So while the person who's it runs around, everyone else hides!

Kiri Yeah is fun! You should play with us sometime dad!

Jake I don't know.

Lo'ak Come on you gotta!

Neteyam It is!

Jake Maybe. But another time it's getting late.

(Y/n) Awww

Neytiri Your father is right. You kids need some rest now.

The kids then climb some trees and head to sleep. Kiri sleeps next to (y/n) for a feeling of comfort as (y/n) doesn't mind either.... some more years have passed and (y/n) is now 14 years old.

Kiri Hey (y/n) where's tuk?

(Y/n) Uh I think she went behind some of those bushes.

Kiri Alright thanks.

Kiri then goes through the bushes to find tuk playing with plants.

Tuk Oh hey Kiri!

Kiri What are you doing tuk?

Avatar:  Flourished love |           Kiri x male reader Where stories live. Discover now