A new home

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(Y/n) POV

We took off from the cliff and started our journey.. we flew over the sea while the eclipse starts to set in.

Kiri Hey (y/n) how are holding up?

(Y/n) I'm alright I guess, losing spider is a big hit to us.

Kiri We'll Get him back I'm sure of it.

(Y/n) Yeah I'm sure if it too. Just worried mostly about our new home.

Kiri You too Huh. Well I guess I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried too. Heh.

(Y/n) Don't worry I'm sure that we'll being worrying about nothing. The people that live there gotta be nice.

Kiri then rest her head on my back.

Kiri Yeah hopefully...

We then fly for days under rain and windy conditions. But after all that we finally reach a place called mekayina...

Kiri softly snoring....

(Y/n) Hey Kiri wake up I can feel your drool on me.

Kiri ....

(Y/n) ....

I then move my tail around her nose causing her to sneeze and wake up.

Kiri cute sneeze eh?

(Y/n) We've arrived sleepy. Also you drooled on my back.

Kiri then wipes my back and smiles back. From in the sky i observed a sea type color of people swimming in the ocean. I saw multiple homes near the beach along with animals swimming in the water with them.

Jake Alright before we land let's get one thing straight. We're coming on their land so we are going to be the most respectful we can be to them. Since we're living here from now on we're also going to try to learn their culture and how to survive from them. Do not cause any problems it's already a good thing they didn't shoot us down with arrows.

Everyone except neytiri Yes sir!

We then land our banshees on the shallow part of the water. The clan that lives here had already made it to the beach due to the loud sounds from tubes that I assume are found in the water. Jake and neytiri walk up front with Kiri behind me and tuk in the middle. The village chief I assume, then walks out in front of us with I think his wife..

??? I see it's is Jake sully who has came to visit our home. The tale of your fight against the sky people have come far.

Jake I'm glad you've heard about me chief tonowari.

Tonowari Why have you visited us today.

Jake Well actually I have came here to seek a new life amongst your village.

The crowd that surrounded us started to whisper and look more intensely at us. Kiri was behind me and covered herself up more while I held her closer to me.

Kiri These people are giving us weird looks. I'm worried...

(Y/n) Just stay close and ignore them.

Tuk then starts getting scared too.

Tuk I'm scared (y/n)...

(Y/n) We're going to be fine Jake is trying to secure us a safe spot here.

Neteyam I'm with Kiri, these peoples stares are not pleasing...

Lo'ak they don't gotta stare and whisper like we can't hear them or see them. I'm also with kiri on this one (y/n).

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