Stranded at sea

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We reach the two boys and find them on their ilus.

An'noug What do you too want?

I sigh then speak.

(Y/n) We've came here to apologize, what we did was a mistake.

Lo'ak I'm sorry we fought.

The boys then think and then smile.

An'noug No worries all is forgiven.

Rotxo Actually We're about to go hunting. But this time it's outside the reef.

(Y/n) Nope I'm good.

Lo'ak Yeah I'm Fine too.

An'noug I mean hunting outside the reef is for the true warriors I guess.

Lo'ak then turns back around while I groan at his actions.

Lo'ak I guess I can come. What about you (y/n)?

I turn to face them

(Y/n) I gotta or else You're gonna die.

Lo'ak then smiles at me and the boys then smirk. We then follow the boys as we swim along the waves going fast and seeing all the animals under the water. After some time we reached the hunting spot and went underwater. We get under some rocks and the boys then made signs with their hands. I didn't know what they were saying but Lo'ak looked like he knew. I turned back to Lo'ak and see him preparing to shoot a fish with a crossbow. He fires and I smile as he swims down to get it. But I feel a odd feeling and turn around to find the two had left us. I look back at Lo'ak and he seemed confused too. We swim back to the top and look around confused.

(Y/n) Where the hell did those two go?!

Lo'ak Guys this isn't funny where are you?!

I then growl.

(Y/n) Those bastards left us! I knew we shouldn't have came here!!

We then get on our ilus and start thinking of a plan to head back.

Lo'ak Maybe if we go this way we'll find something?

(Y/n) Maybe but it's risky just like the others. Fuck! Let's just head this way and if we don't find anything then we'll head back here hopefully.

Lo'ak Alright

We then go under the sea with our ilus and start swimming until I see something. I then push Lo'ak off his ilu causing me to fall off my own. A giant sea creature barely missed us and instead attacked our ilu causing them to swim away. The creature then gives up on the ilu and notices us. It swims at us and we hide behind a line of rock which it gets it mouth stuck on. Lo'ak then fires the crossbow inside the mouth of the creature hurting it but it breaks through the rock line and eats the crossbow. We then swim out of a hole that was behind us and get behind some rocks. The creature then gets out of the rock and spots us as we push ourselves away using the rock we hid behind. We then swim into another rock but this time it has a lot of rock like barriers that we can swim through. The creature starts eating through the barriers as we swim faster and faster. Eventually we get to the end but the creature gives up. I turn to Lo'ak and see him make a gesture to his chest and neck. I assume he's also running out of air. I shrug but then punch the rock next to me the hardest I can as to say "fuck it let's do it". Lo'ak then looks at me confused and I look to him but I give a serious face and point up while nodding my head. Lo'ak nods slowly and we both swim up as the creature spots us. We swim faster and faster until the creature is about to get us. I then push Lo'ak away from me as I prepare to be killed... but a huge creature then comes out of nowhere and attacks the one attacking us. It pushes it into a huge rock and starts killing it. I tried to cheer it on but I start to black out from air loss....

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