Out of town

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Richard, slade and the driver had been driving for 2 hours. But the thing was Richard had no idea where he was, he had tried tracking where he was being taken but had been 'distracted' and lost track of where he was. The drive had been quite, a couple of times slade had turned around to talk to Richard but Richard hadn't said anything and glared back at slade. the car was now in the country side and they started to approach a large house off the road about 50km. the car turned down the road leading to the house and soon the car stopped right outside the front door. Slade got out of the car and so did the driver, but Richard didn't move. the driver and slade slade started walking to the front door of the house when slade stopped, turned around and looked Richard right in the eyes. Slade said something to the driver without breaking eye contact with Richard, and the driver walked inside out of slade and Richards view. then slade walked back to the car and opened Richards door waiting for him to get out. Richard didn't move.
"Richard please get out of the car" said slade sounding tried and annoyed Richard didn't reply.
"look Richard just come inside tonight and I'll explain everything in the morning" spoke slade again looking down at Richard.
"I don't want to be anywhere near you" said Richard not even looking up at the man. A cold wind washed over slade and through the car door running into Richard making him the slightest bit cold. slade sighed and gently but strongly grabbed hold on Richards arm again and pulled him out of the car. As soon as Richard was standing out of the car Richard pulled his arm away and out of slades grasp and stepped a few feet away.
"Don't touch me" said Richard as he saw a couple of lights turn on inside the house.
"I have the right to touch my son" said slade while he grabbed Richards bag out of the car slamming the car door shut and starting to walk towards the large house again. Richard didn't move not following slade even though slade had his bag. slade got to the door and opened it but didn't go inside he just stood there waiting for Richard.
"Dick you can either stay outside in the cold, or come inside in the warmth, your choice"

With slades hand on Richards shoulder slade gently pushed Richard down to sit on the couch near the fire and walked away. Richard enjoyed the warmth that was coming from the fire and didn't even bother to move or get to a phone, he new they would be offline. the driver walked into the room and sat on the single couch on Richards right.
"It's nice to see you again Richard" said the driver as slade walked back into the room holding two coffees and a hot chocolate. slade walked over to the driver and gave him a coffee and then walked to Richard handing him the hot chocolate and sat down next to Richard, making Richard feel uncomfortable.
"You probably don't remember Wintergreen Richard" said slade while nodding to wintergreen
"Yes you were so young when I met you Richard, you were such a loveable and innocent child" said wintergreen taking a sip of his coffee. Richard just sat there he didn't reply or make eye contact with slade or wintergreen, he was starting to remember wintergreen he was always so nice and caring and used to help Richard when he got cut or hurt. Wintergreen was always kind, just like everyone in Slade's family. Not including Slade himself, Slade had been blessed with such a great and loving family yet he destroyed it in seven days.


Slade and wintergreen had started talking, while Richard just sat back and listened while having flashbacks of his life before Bruce. Soon he yawned and slade and wintergreen both noticed, making Richard's cheeks go the slightest bit red.
"I'll show you to your room Richard" said Slade as he started to stand up and walk towards one of the door frames that surrounded the room, leaving his empty coffee mug behind.
"Have a good sleep Richard" said wintergreen as was Richard hesitate to follow slade, but followed in the end. after waving goodnight to wintergreen.

TIMEY WIMEY SKIP (doctor who yay)

Richard's pov

I followed slade down countless halls and doors, to finally stop at a light blue door. slade opened the door and walked inside and as I followed. inside was an ordinary bedroom with very light blue walls, cream carpet, two smaller windows. on the wall near us was a grey and blue queen bed then behind that was a study desk, in the corner there was a corner couch and opposite that on the other wall was a draw for clothes and next to that another door which I figured went to the bathroom.
"This is your room, will you be ok from here? Asked slade as he gently pushed me forwards into the room.
"Oh uh yeah" I said looking away from the new bedroom to slade, before slade waved me off and left me alone in my new bedroom. This was going to be great, not.

TIMEY WIMEY SKIP (yay doctor who)


I left Richard alone in his new room and walked back to the fire and Will. It was different having Richard back, but Richard had changed so much since I last really talked to him as my 'son'. it still shocked me how much Richard really  did hate and resent me. I walked back into the room and was greeted by a stern glance from Will.
"What do you want Will" I said sitting down on the opposite couch from will and picking up my coffee again.
"You know he doesn't understand what's going on" said will
"Frankly neither do I" I said not looking towards Will and starting to standing up again and making my way out of the room and to my own bedroom.

Yay chapter done. I'll be updating the next chapter soon hopefully, please give me your vote or comment and any ideas on how I should continue.
thanks for reading.

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