Only Cause I Know You

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"He got away!" Yelled cyborg, informing his friends that Slade had gotten away from him
"which way did he go Cyborg?!" Questioned robin trying to catch the one villain Robin had always hated
"I don't know there I was chasing him and then 'boom' he's gone" said Cyborg trying to calm down his team mate
"um Cyborg what is that on your suit?" Asked starfire as she pointed to cyborg's arm
"what o that it looks like blood..........o right when I was chasing Slade he went around a corner and I saw his suit cut along the building" said Cyborg remembering what had happened
"wait dude does that mean that that's Slade's blood!" Shouted beast boy looking around his team as he spoke.
"Your right BB and that means that The Teen Titans now have the DNA of our greatest enemy!" Cheered Robin
"that's so awesome right Ra" said BB as he turned to look at Raven
"I guess, we should get back to the tower and put the DNA though the sensors and find out who Slade really is"


"Ok guys give me a minute I'll be right back" said Robin as he walked out of the main room towards his bedroom. while Robin was gone Cyborg put the DNA in a test that would take a couple of minutes. when Robin came back into the room it was half way though,
"dudes I'm about we all go get some pizza and when we come back the test will be done" said Beast Boy and Starfire nodded and agreed, Raven also agreed,
"I was getting a little hungry now that you mention it" said Robin and now everyone looked at Cyborg
"yeah sure why not let's go" said cyborg as they all left the small test tube of blood behind with the test about to finish.


"That was great" said Beast boy as he was about to fall over
"oh yes the eating of the pizzzza was joyful" said starfire as they all entered the main room where the test had finished. Cyborg walked up to the computer, pressed a couple of buttons and on the screen came the name of Slade, SLADE WILSON was in print on the computer screen. Raven pushed past cyborg and searched up Slade Wilson
"wow at less he won't forget his real name" said Beast boy. Robin stood at the back of the room stairing
"ok got it" said raven as she pulled up a newspaper article online about Slade Wilson
"Slade Wilson had a family containing his wife, two sons and a daughter and later took in Richard Grayson after Richards parents death and later changed Richards last name so Richards full name is Richard Wilson Grayson but Richard was later adopted or taken by billionaire Bruce Wayne. but later after Richard left Slade's daughter Sara-Rose died in a explosion that blow up her classroom and killed 3 other students, wait wait before that one of his son Grant went missing and was found dead. then Sara-Rose died and then Slade's last son Joseph(Jericho) got kidnapped and the kidnappers cut into his throat so now Joseph can never talk and after all that happened it says that Slade's wife Adeline took Joseph her only left son and left Slade." said Raven
"and this all happened within one week, Slade lost his only family in one week" continued Raven, Starfire sat down beast boy turned into a dog and laid on her lap.
"wow I kinda feel bad for Slade" said beast boy. then raven looked around the room to find Robin gone
"I'll be back" said raven as she left the room to find Robin. she walked up to Robins door and knocked a couple of times then sensed he wasn't there and that he was outside she made her way up to the roof. raven opened the door and found Robin sitting with his legs over the side while he was looking over jump city.
"Robin is something wrong I'm sensing very strong emotion coming from you" said raven as she sat next to Robin
"I'm going to go on a ride tonight I'll be back later or tomorrow I have to find something" said Robin as he got up and left. raven sat there for awhile then she saw Robin leave on his motorcycle and she got up to tell the others.


Robin was riding around the city he wasn't sure where he was going he eventually came to the outskirts of Jump and was now sitting on a hill nearby. there were change rooms close and he had changed into the clothes that were in his backpack that had other things inside. Robin was now Richard Wilson Grayson. Richard had never changed his name back cause while he was with Slade he had felt at home where he had two brothers and a sister and a mum he had loved it. he had only ever agreed to leave cause Slade had said he would be safer and that the stay with Bruce wouldn't last to long. then Richard had never heard from Slade again and had only now found out about what happened. Richard got his phone out and dialled a number in
"yes hello this is Wayne manor" said someone on the other side
"hi Alfred"
"oh master Richard it's so nice to hear from you again"
"yeah you to Al is Bruce there?" Asked Richard the other line went silent then Alfred came back on
"yes he's right here do you want to have a word"
"yes please Alfred"
"master Bruce please come now someone is here to speak to you" it took a minute when another voice came on "hello this is Bruce Wayne speaking"
"hi Bruce"
"Richard it's good to hear from you again"
"you to Bruce" Richard and Bruce talked from about 15 to 20 minutes then Bruce had to go to 'work' and Richard had said bye to Bruce and Alfred and had hung up. Richard sat still thinking for a couple of minutes then he heard something move behind him, Richard turned around to find a men with a very strong build behind him but the guy was still in the shadows. Richard just sat looking the men up and down for a second then the men moved out of the shadows. it was Slade in the mask. Richard grabbed his bag and stood up in a split second with his bag on his shoulders
"why are you here" spoke Richard normally, he really didn't want to fight but he sooo did not feel safe.
"I happened to be passing by and I though It would be nice to see my son" said Slade taking off his mask. richard stood still for a minute then started walking down the hill and to his bike that he had made look like a ordinary motorcycle
"where do you think your going" said Slade without moving, Richard stopped turned around and walked back towards Slade
"I'm leaving cause i don't want to be targeted like everyone else in your family" said Richard as he turned to walk away again but was grabbed tightly by his arm. Richard turned back around and pulled away from the grip but didn't get out he then looked up at Slade's unmasked face
"stop Richard" Richard stopped after a minute and waited.
"you are going to come with me" said Slade as he started walking still holding Richards arm, Richard started pulling against Slade but It didn't work. Slade walked to a car and stopped and turned around to Richard
"your going to get in the car without fighting" said Slade in a dangerous tone. Richard looked at the car then at Slade
"no" was all that Richard said Slade didn't like that but didn't hit or punch Richard he just grabbed Richards arm tighter pulled Richard forward and put his another hand on Richards back and push Richard into the car. Slade shut the door got in the passenger seat locked the doors and turned to Richard
"put your seatbelt on Richard" said Slade, Richard didn't
"I would put your seatbelt on if I wore you where we're going is a bumpy ride now put your seatbelt on NOW" yelled Slade. Richard sat there thinking for a minute then signed and put the seatbelt on and after gave a death glare to Slade who then turned around and told the driver to drive. Guess he was going to be late coming home to the Titans.

Ok so I think that's a quick easy start to this story. I hope you like it and sorry if it got a little confusing.


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