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Richard's POV

NOTE: Richard's and anyone else's thoughts look like this 'something'

I woke up to small amounts of sunlight hitting me in the face.(me every morning) I got up from my new bed and walked over to the window. I tried to open the window and to my surprise it opened no locks odd. I quickly through on a blue hoodie and some jeans that I found in the draws and some grey joggers before jumping out the window.
I wasn't running, there would be no point. I just needed some time to think about what was going on. its all just confusing. 'Why dose slade want me back and now of all times, he knows that unless he hurts my friends or family I won't be his apprentice but that's not it he kidnapped me as slade Wilson not slade and me as Richard not Robin' thought Richard walking around the grass fields. it was only 8 in the morning and there was still small spots of grass coated in ice. Richard walked over to a tree and climb up it and just sat their thinking again. 'Where is slade and why didn't I have locks on the window probably cause he knows I won't run for now anyway. maybe I should head back now no I'll stay out a bit longer this, this is nice no cars or people making everyday noises' As Richard continued sitting in the tree coved in thoughts he didn't notice the figure walking towards the tree.
"Richard" said a booming voice from the bottom of the tree. from hearing the sudden voice Richard lost his balance on the branch he was sitting on and fell. the person at the bottom of the tree caught Richard as he fell.
"You need to not zone out when your in a dangerous position like that" said the voice that had caught Richard, I looked at the person who had saved him from breaking a bone or two. Slade.
"One I was thinking, two thanks and three please put me down now" I said as he slade placed me on the ground making Me later look up at him.
"I hate being short" I mumbled at the ground making sure slade didn't hear me.
"Come will made breakfast and he doesn't like wasting food" said slade as he made his way back to the house. Before I could think about what I was doing i grabbed slades arm stopping him from walking and braked out question.
"Why did you bring me here"
slade didn't respond for a whole minute before he turned around to face me and crouched down to my height.
"Richard you need to understand that many people in the world make decisions on the spot" started slade before taking a breath to continue.
"And I made a decision on the spot when I took you in it was one of the best decisions I've made, and when I brought you back now it was another on the spot decision to change" slade took another sigh before continuing
"To really answer your question I'm not sure why I brought you back but there I one reason that is very important, to protect you" said slade before he moved his stair away from Richard's crystal blue eyes to the brown and green land beneath himself and Richard. I didn't speak for awhile trying to piece together everything before i said something i may regret. it really did seem that slade was telling the truth but I could tell he was hiding something.
"I was safe at Titans tower and even if being with the Titans became dangerous I have batman and the JL to protect me" I shot back but even through i was annoyed i wasn't angry at this man. for some reason i felt like maybe being with slade was safer then with batman or JL, but that couldn't be true. could it.
"You are staying here for now Richard" said slade in a kind but stern voice before raising and placing a hand on my back guiding me next to slade as we both walked back to the house.

TIME SKIP (no doctor who sad face)

After having breakfast Richard had left slade to his study and wintergreen to the news paper, leaving Richard to discover and explore the house. half an hour into exploring Richard had found the library and had been reading since.(my dream) Four hours later Richard had was still reading every book that looked or sounded interesting.
Slade stood in the doorway watching Richard read few a couple of seconds before speaking.
"Good book?" At the new voice Richard looked up to slade leaning against the doorframe.
"Uh yeah" replied Richard giving a short glance at the book in his hands before turning his attention back to slade.
"It's just after 12 would you like some lunch?" Asked slade keeping direct eye contact with Richard.
"I'm not hungry maybe later" said Richard placing a bookmark in the book and standing up
"Um hey slade, could I go outside again?" Asked Richard as he quickly straightened his blue hoodie. Slade watched as Richard did this and thought about it, it's not like he could actually stop Richard and as along as Richard didn't get lost the teen would be fine.
"Okay" started slade as he saw Richard do a tiny fist pump to the air.
"But take this with you, if you get lost or need any help just call my numbers on speed dial" continued slade as he bought out a small touch screen phone that was black with a single blue line down the back.
"Okay" said Richard taking the phone from slades hand before jogging past slade and towards the door and the outside world. Slade followed after Richard and only saw him as he was already halfway across one of the many grass fields.

TIME SKIP (hahahahahahahaha fun)

"Slade where is Richard I was hoping he would help me with dinner but I can't find him" said Wintergreen as he entered slades study.
"He wanted to go outside and explore so I let him" said slade not turning to look at wintergreen.
"How long ago did you send him out?" Questioned wintergreen looking down at his watch in his wrist
"I sent him out at 1:18" said slade still not looking up at wintergreen or at a clock.
"Sir its 7:43 pm" said wintergreen as slade finally looked up at him. Slade's eyes widen a little bit before he grabbed out his phone and called the phone he had given Richard.
Dial dial dial dial
"Hello" said a voice on the other line.
"Richard where are you" said slade
"Uh give me a sec" said Richard as ruffling and sticks breaking made its way onto the phone
"Okay I'm 8..9..10..11..12 fields away I think i can just see the house why?" Said Richard sounding innocent
"Richard its 7:45 do you need me to pick you up?" Asked slade as he sighed
"Uh nope I'm good I bet I can get back in 15 minutes, see you then" said Richard before slade could say anything back Richard had hung up.
"That boy his to much self esteem if you ask me" said wintergreen before walking out of the room and back to the kitchen. Slade stood up and walked out of the room, to the back door and waited for Richard with his timer.
11 minutes later
wintergreen walked out the back door and came to a stand still right next to slade who was still holding his timer.
"I can't see him" said wintergreen
"Neither" said slade looking at his timer again.
14 minutes
"Guest he's slower then he thought" said slade looking over the fields again.
"It would seem so" replied wintergreen
"15 minutes, he's late" said slade looking down at the timer then to wintergreen
"No I'm not" said a voice behind slade and wintergreen. both slade and wintergreen turned around to be looking at a jet black haired kid standing behind them with his hands on his hips. Richard.
"I was right on time" said Richard
"I didn't we didn't see you coming from this direction you went the other direction" said slade
"Yep and look who I found on my way back" said Richard bringing out a tiny baby possum from his pocket.
"Well he's very cute Richard, but I have to go and do dinner now" said wintergreen before walking off and back into the kitchen. slade stood there silent for a whole minute before he said anything.
"Your not keeping it"said slade in a normal tone
"What but putere is cute and he would be fun to have around" said Richard playing with the tail as it grabbed on to Richard's finger. slade sighed and brought a hand to his face and then moved both his hands to his hips.
"You named it" stated slade exhausted
"Yeah Putere means strength in Romanian" said Richard still playing with Putere's tail. (Google said that so don't blame me if it's wrong)
"Fine but your taking care of it I'm not doing anything with it" said slade before walking pass Richard and inside.
"I win Putere" whispered Richard to the tiny possum before he followed slade inside.

Hahaha slade has a weakness to Richard. anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter will be updating again soon please vote or comment and enjoy.

Happy thoughts

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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