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RESULTS OF CONFESSION AND AHHDSARFSD FLUFFY MOMENTS ( also cool hint to an evet ;)))) anyway enjoy )

RESULTS OF CONFESSION AND AHHDSARFSD FLUFFY MOMENTS ( also cool hint to an evet ;)))) anyway enjoy )

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Lynx and Mini were both sitting in minis room talking about how amazing Her plan was she was a soft tint of pink on her cheeks and mini admired her beautiful state lovesick was written all over him , he clears his thought to make sense he wanted to ask something serious lynx perked up at the sound " hm? " she hummed as he looks at her " okay uh.. " he stops to think for words or how he should say his sentence before he spoke " look i know this sounds uh cliché and cringe but uh.. lynx I think I like you ... like a lot.. " lynx stammered looking at him in shock she though for a moment of her answer ...


The girl coughed a little before giggling " Mini your an idiot , I like you to okay? hah.. " the nervous girl responds her voice cracking slightly , mini smiled and hugged her she chuckled sheepishly hugging the male back his head rested on her shoulder blade hers hidden into the crook of his neck , they sat there for a few minuets just enjoying the comfortable silence only for it to be interrupted by a panicked Kai . Mini looks up to kai as he realised he was with Lynx and quickly apologized turning to leave mini said " hey wait up mate , what's up? " kai stammered a little " uhm.. I need help with a uh crush.. " the boy said Lynx perks up " oh~ a  crush you say! I can help you I know everything .. seriously .. its scary how much I know - " kai chuckles " I figured that out .. judging that you got kreek and Tanqr together " lynx sat stunned " how did you know that..? " kai hummed " Russo told me... " he stammers blushing at the mention of Russo's name " hm~ so its Russo Busso ya like hm~? " he nods eagerly and lynx blinked twice before responding " never knew someone would like him I thought he would remain a third wheel.. " Lynx clears her throat " my bad! lets get to work then~! " she stood up mini standing next to her bouncy frame . they walked to Russo's room Lynx crashing the door down mini yelling " YO RUSSO BOZOO , WE HAVE NEWS~! " lynx wheezed as kai turned red completely . Russo walked over " first don't call me that , second what's the news ? come on in " the three walked in Russo smiling at kai as he turned a darker red . as he did so sitting down the male shuts the door sitting back in his computer chair . 

" so what's up? "

Lynx coughs " kai has a smallll question to ask you ~ ! " kai nods at russo as he hummed in response " I'm listening ! " he answered before kai could start . kai took a deep breath in and began " well .. uh Russo . your the like 4th wheel at the judges panel and uh. ." he paused to gather courage " I really like you and was wondering if you wanted to no longer .. be a fourth wheel..? " Russo took a moment to think and analyse the question  before responding " hm you like me?! i mean ahah I'm flattered.. so uh of course I would love to be yours! " kai blushed a bright red hugging Russo " is this o..okay ? " Russo hums happily as mini and Lynx high fived " off we go ehheeh " they darted away and kai and russo began to calmly talk to each other just enjoying the moment .


Tanqr heard fast pace running footsteps outside he groans as he got up kreek still laying asleep in his arms Tanqr moved the male over slightly sneaking out of the room his mask quickly being strapped on he saw mini's hat lay on the floor he sighs " hm.. crayon what are ya doing? " Tanqr jumped " FUCKING HELL- you scared me! ugh.. found mini's hat here " kreek hummed " lets go give it to him then .. but then we shall go back to the bed I'm too limp for this " he said as he was leaning on the wall , Tanqr laughed at kreeks messy bed hair before picking him up and walking to mini's room . knocking twice Lynx answered " heya Tanqr and kreek what's up? " she hummed , Tanqr confused responds rapidly " Here's your boyfriends hat.. " he gave her the hat and walked off with kreek still in his arms , Lynx shrugs shutting the door and plopping back down placing mini's hat back on his head .

Tanqr opened the door and walks into his dimly lit room placing kreek on the bed as he shut and locked the door again he walks over pulling kreek over to his chest and clicking on a random oompaville video cause they wanted some comedy to watch so they watch one of his nikocado videos to be more specific . they both just lay there laughing at the video having each other was enough for the both of them .

... " hm yes can you hear me... its season 4 lets just get the plot to a start !! " ... 

" what was that all about Y/N~? " * chuckle * " see you soon.. darlings~ "


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