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"Why was I not informed of Shruti being hired?" Arjun asked Neil as the brothers sat down to talk with Arjun's visiting agent, Lijo George.

"You didn't need to be," Neil replied. "Shanaya needed help and Arohi said Shruti has an eye for clothing, and since she's on summer break from school, it made sense. I couldn't say no because she's my wife's best friend and Arohi misses her." He eyed his brother. "Does it upset you? You and Shruti seemed to get on quite well at the wedding."

"It's fine," Arjun shrugged, trying to appear indifferent. "Shanaya does need assistance, and I'd prefer it's someone we know."

There was a knock at the door then and Shruti stood before them.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "Um, Mr. George is in the wardrobe room, arguing with Rishabh."

"Oh, shit," Neil muttered, jumping up to hurry to the wardrobe room.

Shruti watched in shock as the usually calm Neil raced away.

"What's that about?" Shruti asked, suddenly realizing she was alone with Arjun for the first time since being hired. "Neil never cusses."

"Hardil inappropriately hits on Shanaya all the time," Arjun explained. "He's happily married, but he knows it burns Rishabh's ass, so he still does it."

"So things are going well with Rishabh and Shanaya then?" Shruti asked.

"Yes," Arjun confirmed. "Arohi also said you were the first to suggest him as my co-singer and he's excellent, so thank you."

"You're welcome," she shrugged. "Arohi said you needed a co-singer and Rishabh hated being pre-med, so it made sense. I'm glad he's working out."

"Sit," Arjun suggested, gesturing to the chair Neil had abandoned. "How have you been? It's good to see you."

"I'm doing well," she replied. "College is going well now that I've switched to public relations. I'm dramatic enough on my own without studying it."

He chuckled. "I think you'll be excellent at PR. I saw how you were at the wedding. You handled everything very well."

"Thanks," she murmured. "So how are you? Good, seeing as you're on a major tour already, but still."

"I'm all right," he shrugged. "Adjusting, I suppose. I didn't grow up wanting the spotlight, so it can be overwhelming at times. It's nice having my family surrounding me."

"They're your entire crew," she laughed. "Neil is your manager, Arohi is managing the tour, Shanaya does wardrobe, and Shivam is your guitar tech."

"Rishabh has also become a close friend, so my band consists of my best friends," he added. "Prince is dying to join us, but he has to finish school first. He begs for a tutor to travel with him."

"I get that," Shruti shrugged. "All of his siblings are traveling together and working on your music and he feels left out. He's already the youngest by quite a bit."

"I know," Arjun sighed. "I just don't trust some random person coming along to tutor him. To me, Prince will always be a boy I need to take care of. He's just twelve."

Shruti nodded. "I get that, too. But it is summer now, so maybe he could come for a little while?"

"We've discussed that," Arjun sighed. "Tour life is hardly the place for a twelve-year-old. I'd want a bodyguard specifically just for him."

"So get him one," Shruti suggested. "Just don't keep him away because you think this life is chaotic. He'll have you guys around to keep him in line."

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