Chapter 1

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"Mom, where are you? Where are you? Please, mom! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"


"Mina Joyce!"

Mina's head snapped up from the cold sleek gray desk it had been resting on to find what felt like a thousand pairs of eyes staring back at her, each of their gazes filled with what could only describe as overwhelming pity.

Mina would know, she had been subject to the emotion for the last few weeks, pitiful stares and whispers echoing after her wherever she dared to trek.

But still, even the immense pity she was subjugated to couldn't overshadow the larger disgust and embarrassment that everyone seemed to hold for her now. Whereas she was once regarded in an almost royal manner among the halls of Palm Valley prep now no one stopped to wave "hello," in the mornings and there were no more invitations to parties, no one wanted to sit next to her in class, no one wanted to partner with her for group projects.

Instead, people avoided her like the plague, except Noah and Sahil of course. With her dad and ex-boyfriend both dead and her mom awaiting her trial where she would no doubt be found guilty of her crimes, they were the only semblances left of what her life had once been.

"Mina Joyce!" Mina's professor snapped, her arms crossed tightly over her off-white blouse and her heeled feet planted firmly in front of Mina's desk but, before she could even begin her reprimands the bell overhead clanged, signaling the end of the class period and the beginning of lunch.

Mina practically bolted from her seat, shouldering her backpack but the professor, clearly annoyed and unwilling to let Mina sneak off without consequence, blocked her instantaneously.

"Mrs. Mendes."

A few students glanced back in interest on their way out.

"Mrs. Dupont."

"We've discussed this at length numerous times already, you can't keep falling asleep in class." Mrs. Dupont explained, though Mina could barely focus on her words, too engrossed in the open classroom door feet away where Sahil and Noah stood patiently waiting for her.

"Listen-" Mrs. Dupont lowered her voice, throwing a cautionary glance around the now empty classroom before continuing. "-I'm sorry about what happened to you and your family Mina Joyce." She said apologetically, though she hardly sounded the part.

"I really am, but it's your junior year!" She proclaimed. "Now's not the time to slack off!"

Mina's eyes remained trained on the classroom door.

"I've been as gracious as the school has allowed, but at some point you have to meet us halfway. You have to put in the effort!"

Mina sighed, gripping the straps of her backpack tighter, her teeth clenched behind a pair of perfectly pursed lips. "Can I go now?" She questioned, still managing to avoid the searing eyes of the female professor in front of her who, in a last resort attempt to garner any reaction out of her, added, "I would hate to see all you and your parent's hardwok slide down the drain simply because of a lack of motivation and-"

"I appreciate your concern-" Mina hissed, her neck snapping in Mrs. Dupont's direction now. Staring directly into the eyes of the tall, slim woman she lied, "-but I'm fine."

She wasn't, and she hadn't been since Khalil had abruptly disappeared and she wouldn't be fine until he returned because, despite what he had done, despite the havoc he had wreaked and the pain and suffering he had inflicted, he had been right about one thing.

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