Chapter 13

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Despite her better judgment, Mina couldn't stop thinking about what had transpired between her and Sahil in her grandmother's kitchen last night.

She couldn't stop thinking about their "almost" kiss and she couldn't stop thinking about what it meant for her relationship with him and, more importantly, her relationship with Khalil.

Luckily, she had been spared the anxiety of making a decision between the two boys by the loud beeping of the microwave but, if he tried to kiss her again, she wasn't sure what she would do.

A large part of her conscience told her to go through with it, to save herself the heartache of pining after a boy whose feelings for her could potentially have been fake from the very beginning. She would save herself a boatload of embarrassment and tears if she simply gave in to Sahil's crush.

But, of course, there was an equally as large part of her that still stupidly yearned for the boy who single handedly both saved and ruined her life. Not to mention, it was him who kept randomly appearing in her dreams.

Not Sahil.

Removed from her reverie by a quick and short pinging sound, Mina looked up to find the crosswalk sign on the other side of the busy intersection had turned white, indicating for her to walk across.

For the moment, she pushed the two boys to the back of her mind.

Besides, she had more important things to worry over, like the fact that there was definitely someone trying to kill her.

That was obvious, it was the "who" part that was currently stumping her, and it continued to as she pulled open the double glass doors of the recreation center that she had somehow found herself standing in front of and whisked her way inside.

Immediately she was greeted by the sound of a chiming bell, a rush of warmth, and the overwhelming smell of freshly baked goods and strong coffee.

Exactly what she needed.

"Hi." A girl called out to her from behind the food counter as Mina made her way over, eyeing the brightly lit bakery display cases lined with freshly baked goods that had her salivating with a mere glance.

Mina recognized her.

It was the same girl that had handed her and Khalil their skates on their date at the skating rink a few days ago, except now her hair was in honey blonde braids secured in a ponytail at the back of her head instead of in a high-bun.


"Hi." Mina echoed, her brows involuntarily quirking in confusion. "You work here too?" She asked, pointing to the concession counter she was now stood idly in front of, her toes pressed firmly against the baseboard.

"I work everywhere." Willow laughed, leaning her forearms against the edge of the counter. "But I'm glad you came in, you saved me a phone call." She said pointedly, waving a finger dangerously close to the bridge of Mina's nose.

"You got the job."

"What?" Mina exclaimed surprisedly. "I do?" She questioned. "No interview or anything." She could barely keep the skepticism out of her voice.

Willow shrugged behind the counter, dropping her finger. "I put in a good word with the boss." She triumphed, sweeping a stray braid that had missed her ponytail away from her face, before adding, "Plus we're desperate. He only wanted to know when you could start?"

"As soon as he wants."

According to her grandmother, it wasn't like Mina had a choice.

"Good answer." Willow said, pulling back. Her lips were pursed tightly as she nodded her head in an obvious approval. "He'll love that. So-" She humphed, navigating over to the register to press a few buttons. "What can I get for you?" She asked, drumming her fingers quickly against the plastic green countertop.

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