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Shock overwhelmed your body and your heart sank to your stomach making you wanna be sick. "Do you not remember me?" Still frozen you mustered up enough courage to speak.

"You left me for dead." The man smirked and a flame hand almost cool to the touch extended from his hand and lifted your chin up. "I did say if you made it we'd meet again. Didn't I?"

He was rude but his eyes told a different story when it came to you. "Kaen! You have yet to state your purpose. While yes she is a demon I don't give a damn about your strength." Muzan put a good emphasis on when he said your. "But she, is not the fragile creature you must think her to be."

Slightly irritated the demon your master called Kaen glared at you almost in disgust daring you to speak. "She is upper moon zero, a body count almost higher than mine, also the first demon I've ever encountered to be a siren.

Humans now fear the waters and avoid them at night in a futile attempt to keep their husbands and sons from her voice luring them to their deaths." Kaen glared at you your aura did seem different after all.

He thought it was cause you were a demon and not the human he remembered you being. Kaen stared at Muzan. "Well? Aren't you going to tell her why I'm here."

You froze, no one dared to speak to your master like that and in all honesty you kinda enjoyed the power radiating from him. Kibutsuji glared at you. "Kaen here, has practically demanded you become his bride."

Hey guys author here sorry this chapter took so long in all honesty as I'm typing this I feel like I'm about to fall asleep the keyboard kinda looks fuzzy my legs  have been twitching and I'm hoping it's not another seizure and I'm just tired so I might be taking a nap idk maybe a cup of four pm oh well I'll be up till two anyway night or see ya soon whichever comes first. Byeeeeee ❤️❤️❤️

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