Chapter 22

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More than two hours have passed when the three started walking again, or better, the flying and for the whole time Clara didn't speak with the Obscure not even by mistake and, if it wasn't enough, she had preferred flying with Elijah, thing that was making Amos ever more anger, even if he pretended it didn't trouble him.

"If he hopes that I stooped at his level, he's wrong. I've been around too long to fall in a trick like that." Amos thought, focusing on something else. In the meanwhile, the others two were chatting.

<<Don't take me wrong, far be it from me taking his side, but this time he has just trying doing the right thing, so why don't you try to come meet?>> Elijah spoke, not waiting for a positive answer.

<<I just want to let him burn in the lights just a little bit longer and, anyways, since when are you two so tight? Until quite recently you couldn't wait to kill each other in the worst ways and now, you seem beloved brothers.>> She replied.

<<Got it.>>

<<I understood the reason why you do hope in our reconciliation, you know?>> She said huffy.

<<Ah yes, oh, please let me know.>> The blond one replied.

<<Because usually it's him the one lifting me and probably you are no much very used carrying a woman of any magical kind, but being you such a gentleman, you can't tell me the bitter truth about your out of training muscles, so you do prefer hoping in a sudden miracle with lots of olive twig, is that right?>> She asked extremely sure of her thesis!

The two almost fell on the ground for the shock.

<<I would have thought everything else, but not a not something like that and, anyways, my muscles are not rusted. And, just for the records, I don't consider him a friend, but we are a group and when trust starts missing, missions go wrong and, usually, in cases like those, people die.>> He stated seriously. Clara couldn't blame him and she wasn't used holding a grudge, but she couldn't think that Amos always put her life before his, moreover than trying looking for a way to save everyone.

<<I am sorry to ruin the moment, indeed, to be honest I feel very pleased considering how much I despise these flatteries, but now could you stop? We are very near.>> Amos interfered, jealous and irritated for the whole situation, after all, he was experiencing the girl's discontent for having saver her life!

<<Thank goodness you told us, otherwise we would have led an expedition around the world.>> She replied sarcastically.

<<Do you know that sarcasm doesn't suit you, right? I suggest to leave it to who knows how to use it.>> He answered, pointing at himself.

<<What a waste that this person is not here, he could have given me a few tips.>>

At least, bickering was back to "normality".

<<Forgive the intrusion, but don't you think would be better getting prepared for the next missions waiting for us?>> This time was Elijah takin the floor.

<<Alt my friends, I first have some duties to close like, for example, coming back home, assure me that my family and friends don't think I am into the jaws of who knows what monstrous and disgusting creature or things like this.>>

"Here we go again, but if thinks that I would let her go alone, she misunderstood." He pondered, citing as an excuse the sudden appearing of a potential enemy on their trail, when, actually, he was just scared she would have hesitated joining them again considering the risks. The other partner, instead didn't seemed worried; indeed, he wanted to help her.

"But what the Hell is he thinking that idiot?" Amos asked himself, continuing his interior monologue. Since the two seemed too busy in their usual bickering, Clara took them back to reality, saying she had spotted the temple.

"Well and now it's time to bait the hook."

The three didn't have neither the time to set foot on land the temple's door widened as a consequence of a strong and sudden gust of wind, overwhelming them with a wave of light that nearly blinded them!

<<Hey old hag, do you want to blind us?>> Amos railed, trying covering his eyes from that blinding flash.

<<Definitely strange, now all the people of your species would already be agonizing on the ground, even only after a brief exposition; you, instead, still have cheeky look on your face. Maybe, I should increase the strength.>> Lillybeth "made fun" of him.

<<Tell me "Granny", if you take me down, how will avoid the end of the world that you fear so much?>> He uttered looking at Elijah and Clara's direction.

<<Who should be the grandmother?! I am surely not the ancient being here. Anyway, speaking seriously, I am really honored that a celestial hosts' member accepted staying by our side to fight back evil forces.>> She told, referring to Elijah.

"As if he wasn't already enough pompous." Amos mumbled.

<<Good, if we are finished with pleasantries, I think it's time for the real thing. Have you accomplished your task?>> The miko answered, going straight to the point.

<<You say it aloud, even with some little accidents.>> Clara joined the conversation, showing her the gem.

<<I knew I could trust you. Before going in search for the next instrument, I would suggest you to rest a little. To continue the mission, I need you at you best.>> Lillybeth stated.

<<The problem is not us, something like that is certainly not enough to tire us, but we do have a "feeble" human with us so I think we will have to accept your "wit" advice.>> Amos explained, caressing a flying "hairy ball" similar to a kind of hamster!

<<You are the feeble one! Anyways, as much as I hate agreeing with him, this time I must to. I ask you to allow me to come back home for a few days. This was in the deal.>>

<<Sure, what I swear, I do. Otherwise, would I have promised you it? Come on, follow me.>> She encouraged her.

<<Well, I don't think you two need an invitation.>> The woman kept speaking since they were already tailing them.

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